Re: Luke 11:1

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Sat Jun 17 2000 - 08:05:00 EDT

At 4:26 PM -0400 6/16/00, Cassian DelCogliano wrote:
>What is the force of KATWS KAI in Luke 1:11?
>KATWS is ordinarily called a comparative conjunction, but it seems here to
>blend into a causal use. KAI seems to me to be used for emphasis, i.e.
>'even, also, indeed, etc.' The real question is whether KATWS KAI is
>purely comparative or at least partly causal, so that the disciples
>question could be paraphrased: Teach us to pray, because that it what John
>did for his disciples and we want to be in the same relationship to you as
>John's disciples were to him.
>Any thoughts on this? Thanks much!

I think that any causal implication derives not from the word but rather
from the whole context; it seems to me that there's an implicit but
unstated hOUTWS involved in the DIDAXON hHMAS PROSEUCESQAI: "Even as John
taught his disciples, (so) you also teach us to pray." I think the
authoritative status of John vis-à-vis his disciples is indeed the implicit
basis of the request, but I don't think it requires us to assume that KAQWS
in this instance assumes a quasi-causal force. But the same might not hold
so true Pauline or deutero-Pauline usage.


Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243 OR

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