[b-greek] Re: Rev 12:5 - ARSEN

From: Carlton Winbery (winberyc@speedgate.net)
Date: Sat Oct 21 2000 - 21:39:25 EDT

>Rev. 12:5
>Concerning ARSEN, is this another one of those adjectives
>where the masc. and neut. are the same declension?
>Why the masc. hUION modified by this neut. adjective?
>Is this a substantive use of the adjective, functioning in
>some appositional way?
>My UBS dictionary does not provide a gender for this word, but does list
>"ASRHN, EN, gen. ENOS" What does this mean?
Mark, I did not see where anyone else answered this.

Yes ARSHN is used for both masculine and feminine. It occurs only in the
third declension. It is one of the third declension adjectives with stem
ending in N.

The use of the neuter here to modify the masculine hUIOS bothered the
scribes of P47, Aleph, O51, and the Majority witnesses, for they changed it
to ARSENA. Alexandrinus and Ephraemi have the neuter. One of the places
where you have to watch the Alexandrian text is in the area of grammatical
exactness. They tended to correct the text grammatically. Also, the
Alexandrinus (A or 02) is a good witness in Revelation. Of course, the
great Vaticanus does not contain the Revelation.

This is one of the Seer's problems with language. I think that he is
thinking of a TEKNON or TEKNION who is also the Son and thus writes the
neuter, but that is only speculation.

Dr. Carlton L. Winbery
Foggleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Ph. 1 318 448 6103 hm
Ph. 1 318 487 7241 off

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