[b-greek] What is meant by "DELIBERATIVE QUESTIONS"

From: Wayne Leman (wleman@mcn.net)
Date: Mon Oct 30 2000 - 20:38:12 EST

Sylvia asked:

> in my studies of "New Testament Greek for Beginners" by Prof. J. Gresham
> I came across the term "Deliberative Questions", but I didnot get any clue
> this term means. The dictionary (Englisch-German and "Webster's
> Dictionary") did not help to understand this term.
> Could someone be so kind to answer this question?

Sylvia, Machen is referring to a question where the speaker is wondering
(deliberating) about what to do, for example:

"What shall I eat?"
"What should be do?"

Often the Greek verb in the question is in the subjunctive mood.

Wayne Leman
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