[b-greek] Re: 1Cor 1:2

From: Steven Craig Miller (scmiller@plantnet.com)
Date: Sat Jan 06 2001 - 10:22:40 EST

The following doesn't address Dmitriy Reznik's question. Nonetheless,

<< 1Cor 1:2 says: ... KLHTOIS hAGIOIS ... It means: ... called [to be]
saints ... >>

I've never quite understood the principle of syntax which justifies taking
KLHTOIS (or KLHTOS) to mean "called to be." I would be most interested in
seeing other examples of a similar syntax in either biblical or
non-biblical Greek. Both terms are adjectives, and either adjective can be
used as a substantive. I've often wondered if KLHTOIS hAGIOIS might mean:
"holy guests" (in the LXX the term KLHTOS means "guest" at Jud 14:11; 2
Kings 15:11; 3 Kings 1:41; Zeph 1:17; and 3 Macc 5:14). I haven't reached
any firm decision on this, only a certain skepticism that the translation
"called to be saints" can be justified based on clear examples of Greek
usage. (And no, I don't consider KLHTOS APOSTOLOS to be a clear example,
since it might mean something like "guest apostle.")

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)
Old e-mail address: scmiller@plantnet.com
New e-mail address: stevencraigmiller@home.com

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