[b-greek] Synonyms

From: One of the McKays (musicke@ozemail.com.au)
Date: Wed Jan 17 2001 - 20:09:31 EST

I am wondering if I am missing something?
I went through Trench and others and the each Greek word has a unique
meaning phase, then read books such as Barr: Biblical Words for Time [well
... part of it], Silva: Biblical Words and Their Meaning [most of it] and
Carson: Exegetical Fallacies [both editions] which seem to poo-poo this

I thought I was getting a handle on things.

Now I'm reading bits of BDAG and it seems to go back to brother Trench! See
CRONOS and KAIROS entries, and AGAPAW and FILEW entries for example.
And compare entries in BAGD on AGAPAW/FILEW, which allow for the words being
more or less equal in some contexts.

BDAG refers to some of the above books [e.g. Barr] but doesn't seem to take
on board his points, as far as I can see.

Is the point possibly that each word may not have a unique meaning, but may
have a special meaning in context?

I'm a bit puzzled.
David McKay

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