[b-greek] Re: fonts

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (cierpke@prodigy.net)
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 16:16:21 EST


The Summer Institute of Linguistics has these characters on their Greek font
call SIL Galatia Extras. It contains the koppa,, san, digamma, and sampi. it
is available for free at:



At 11:34 AM 2/9/2001 -0800, Daniel L. Christiansen wrote:
>Robert Piórewicz wrote:
>> Does somebody now where I can find greek fonts which includes such
>> rare letters as: digamma, koppa, san?
>> Any answer would be appreciated.
>> Robert Pi—rewicz
>> Geologist
> The Helena font has these letters included. Helena is the font used
>with the AcCordance / GramCord application (I am not certain whether it
>is available separately, elsewhere). On the Mac, these letters are
>located in the option-z, option-x, and option-c slots.
>Daniel L. Christiansen
>Professor of Biblical Languages, Portland Bible College
>Adjunct Professor, Bible Department, Multnomah Bible College
>(503) 820-0231
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Kevin W. Woodruff, M. Div.
Library Director/Reference Librarian
Professor of New Testament Greek
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