[b-greek] Re: the intent of the Spirit/flesh saying at Mk. 14:38

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (jgibson000@home.com)
Date: Wed May 30 2001 - 14:14:12 EDT

c stirling bartholomew wrote:

> Peter, James, and John are going to be the leaders of hH Ekklesia. If they
> are being warned about the weakness of SARKOS, and the potential of this
> weakness resulting in their becoming agents of PEIRASMOU, it would seem much
> more probable that the object of PEIRASMOU would be hH Ekklesia. If we
> follow this reading then this warning of Jesus is similar to his many
> warnings about becoming a SKANDALON. As the leaders of the hH Ekklesia
> Peter, James, and John were in grave danger in this regard.

I'm not at all sure I follow you here. In any case, when the word SKANDALON
appears in Mark it is applied to Peter for "thinking the things of men and not the
things of God" with respect to the adequacy of suffering as the means by which God
would have the Messiah fulfill the Messianic Mission (Mk. 8:27-33).

I see nothing about the EKKLESIA here.


Jeffrey B. Gibson, D.Phil. (Oxon.)
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626
e-mail jgibson000@home.com

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