[b-greek] Re: How does one interpret BDAG definitions?

From: Kevin W. Woodruff (cierpke@prodigy.net)
Date: Mon Jun 25 2001 - 20:56:17 EDT


If you check page x (10) of the foreward to the revised edition, you'll note
the words in the second paragraph from the bottom, "The use of asteriks
indicating completeness of citation either of the NT or the Apostolic
Fathers or both at the end of the entries has therefore been abandoned. But
students can cound on the completeness of citation of all except the most
common words appear in the main text for the 27th edition of Nestle."

Hope this helps


At 01:02 AM 6/26/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>This is my first post to B-GREEK. I hope this question is within the bounds
>of the list.
>I have recently acquired BDAG and have a question as to the application of
>the English definitions.
>It seems I read a review of BDAG (but can't find it anymore) that stated
>that it generally categorized each instance of a work in a comprehensive
>fashion, listing each occurence in the GNT. I don't recall seeing this stated
>anywhere in the foreward.
>Could someone email me off-list with the URL to this review or post it to
>the list if it is appropriate?
>Thank you very much in advance,
>Rick Stamp
>Rick Stamp
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Kevin W. Woodruff, M. Div.
Library Director/Reference Librarian
Professor of New Testament Greek
Cierpke Memorial Library
Tennessee Temple University/Temple Baptist Seminary
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