[b-greek] Source of hHNWMENHi

From: Richard Allan Stauch (RStauch@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 01:01:01 EDT

Dear B-Greekers,

Can anyone help me see where I might find the source of hHNWMENHi? I am
trying to look up words to determine their meaning, and to find the forms
(case, mood, tense, voice, et cetera). BAGD does not list this one, but has
hENWSIS. Tufts "Middle Liddell" has an entry that looks more promising. It
looks like our subject might be a form of hENOW "make one, unite"
(preformative lengthens E to H, no coupling letter [ending attached to stem
of fifth principle part, though I am not sure what that is], ending
in -MEN-, to which is added -Hi [and where does this little fella come
from?). Maybe this is a participle, perfect middle/passive dative feminine
singular? Searching BibleWorks' databases, for all words ending in "*MENH",
every one with an Iota subscript is dative feminine singular (whether noun
or participle). Without the Iota subscript they are mostly present
nominative, occasionally deponent or even vocative.

Wow, so many "case endings" to learn. This is going to take a while. (LOL)
Anyway, am I on the right track?

Thanks again,
Richard Allan Stauch
Long Beach, CA

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