[b-greek] Re: hEWS hOU in 2Pt 1:19

From: c stirling bartholomew (cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Thu Aug 30 2001 - 13:31:22 EDT

on 8/30/01 9:20 AM, Tony Costa wrote:

> I would think so. I assume the hHMERA DIAUGASHi is the apocalyptic day of
> the Lord mentioned in 2 Pet 3:10ff and that Peter is exhorting his readers
> to pay heed to the Scriptures *until* that day. This appears to be the
> meaning of hEWS hOU, at least this is the way it appears to be used in other
> parts of the GNT, for example Matt 1:25; 17:9 and Luke 24:49.


This reading of the text has been adopted by many. However the qualifying
phrase EN TAIS KARDIAIS hUMWN looks like this is describing some sort of
subjective experience and for that reason I have some lingering doubts about
the Parousia as the referent of hHMERA DIAUGASHi KAI FWSFOROS ANATEILHi.

Henry Alford lists among the possible readings that this might describe some
sort of second stage in the life of a believer, a sort of new and more
advanced level of enlightenment where the prophetic message becomes
internalized by a work of the Spirit and so forth, a very mystical train of
thought. But that is beside the point.

Another option is that hEWS hOU does not join the injunction Wi KALWS
POIEITE PROSECONTES with what follows, but rather joins hWS LUCNWi FAINONTI
EN AUCMHRWi TOPWi with what follows. This would change the nature of the
question somewhat but not totally eliminate the problem.

Thanks, Tony, for your response.


Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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