[b-greek] Re: hEWS hOU in 2Pt 1:19

From: Mark Wilson (emory2oo2@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Aug 30 2001 - 13:46:31 EDT



You wrote:

>This passage certainly looks like a good candidate for being a classic
>text for mysticism. But that isn't my question, just want to understand
>the options are for hEWS hOU.

Two things, first the footnote from the NET Bible:

Grk "as"; hEWS clauses after imperatives or implied commands (as here) make
a comparison of what should be true (imperative) to what is true
(indicative). This is the case even when the verb of the hEWS clause is only
implied. Cf. Matt 6:10 ("may your will be done on earth as [it is] in
heaven"); 10:16 ("be wise as serpents [are], and be as gentle as doves
[are]"); 22:39 ("love your neighbor as [you already do] love yourself").

As far as "mysticism," I think that results from how one approaches
this text, and texts like this.

When it comes to metaphors such as this, as well
as with parables, I think it always wise to NOT derive
truth from them. Not that you are trying to do that.

But metaphors, parables, etc, are used to ILLUSTRATE
truths. Recognition of this principle has lead to the famous
warning: do not make parables walk on all fours.

In my opinion, the better question is to ask: what truth
does this metaphor illustrate. If we are told elsewhere
to cease some activity at a specific time, then this passage
could be used to ILLUSTRATE that, but not the other way around.

Whether or not we should cease some activity needs to be
clearly taught in non-metaphorical passages.

My thoughts,

Mark Wilson

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