[b-greek] Re: DIAPAZEI

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 25 2002 - 07:42:13 EST

Another possibility that might yield the same results is that this is a
mis-spelled DIASPAZW for DIASPAW. The normal verb is DIASPAW ("pull to
pieces"), but I can readily imagine a variant present-tense in DIASPAZW
arising from the -S- attached to other tense stems.

At 10:11 PM -0500 2/24/02, Mark DelCogliano wrote:
>> >Does anyone know what DIAPAZW might mean? I've had no luck finding the
>> >in the standard dictionaries, though I do not have Lampe on hand. Here is
>> >the context from a fourth-century patristic text on spiritual warfare:
>> >"This demon springs upon states [of mind/soul] such as these in
>> >and, like a dog, ??? the soul as if it were a young deer."
>> ______________________
>> I tried checking this with Perseus' Morphological Analysis tool. It came
>> with AZW and 2 preverbs - DIA and APO. Perseus was unable to find any
>> instance of this word. There were 2 roots for AZW. Neither seemed
>> particularly promising.
>> I had a thought concerning this. Is it just possible that you have
>omitted a
>> letter? Could the word not be DIAPAZEI but DIARPAZEI? This would make
>> perfectly good sense. Your passage would then read
>> "This demon springs upon states [of mind/soul] such as these in
>> and, like a dog, TEARS IN PIECES the soul as if it were a young deer."
>I too used Perseus' Morphological tool and found the same unpromising
>You could very well be right about the missing Rho. It could be that the
>text I have contains a misprint. It wouldn't be the first I've found in it,
>Thanks so much, gfsomsel. I think you've solved my dilemma.
>Mark DelCogliano
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Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University (Emeritus)
Most months:: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(828) 675-4243
cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu OR cwconrad@ioa.com
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