[b-greek] RE: Jesus' Corpse

From: Sam Drake (samdrake@bellsouth.net)
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 11:15:10 EST

You mentioned Logos. That's a $600 program. I would gladly pay it if it
would be a genuine help with original languages. I have Quickverse 7 which
has a few helps that come in handy but kind of awkward. Partly I have not
mastered it yet, but I suspect that it doesn't do the "real thing". I don't
have anyway to try Logos, no one who has it to talk to etc. I would
appreciate hearing a users opinion and briefly what you accomplish with it.

I am not perusing expertise in Greek or Hebrew but use it often in study for
sermons and lessons to explain translation differences and to get word
pictures. I guess you would say I use it as a study help. I would love to be
able to read and write Biblical Greek someday so I will be tending to dive
in here and there and am willing to buy tools.

-----Original Message-----
From: Awohili@aol.com [mailto:Awohili@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 2:09 PM
To: Biblical Greek
Subject: [b-greek] RE: Jesus' Corpse

Originally, "corpse" referred to any body, whether living or dead (Webster's
10th). The Vulgate uses the Latin word "corpus" (body) at both Mark 15:43,
where the Greek text has SWMA ("body") and at Mark 15:45, where the Greek
text has PTWMA ("corpse"). It is possible that Tyndale (1535) and the KJV
(1611) follow the style of the Vulgate and translate "body" in both verses.

However, the Latin word "corpus" is also the source of the English word
"corpse," which today generally refers to a "dead body."

Interestingly, the English Standard Version (ESV, 2001) translates PTWMA as
"corpse" at Mark 15:45, one of several modern versions which do so.

Solomon Landers

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