[b-greek] RE: About learning Greek

From: Michael Nicholls (mikusa@hotmail.com)
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 15:15:19 EST

> One thing that makes Greek so hard to learn, the way that it's
> normally taught, is that there is none of this internalization. In just
> about any modern language class (except the one-semester deals that get
> graduate students their reading requirements) you learn to read and speak
> the language. To reduce the process to reading only tends to make it into
> more of a logical puzzle that you solve rather than understand.
> I would also advise, if you haven't done so already, learning
> the language "both ways."
> Trevor Peterson
> CUA/Semitics

YES! YES! YES! Don't just read it! Hear it, taste it, smell it, touch it,
breathe it. The more senses involved, the more it'll stick in your head
and be REAL! Students in my classes have complained about translating from
English to Greek ("when will we ever use that?") but it's all necessary to
get into the Greek mind and "to think" like a Greek.

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