[b-greek] Re: Greek computer programs

From: Bill Burks (rwburks@flash.net)
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 23:44:22 EDT


I am sure you have this, or have used it but I believe the Logos program Greek Tutor
is a very good practice tool for Greek grammar. I am not sure what text BJU uses for
Greek however I would recommend a reference text by Wallace called "Greek Grammar
Beyond the Basics" for a new student it is a more in-depth reference work for when you
find a concept in Mounce or Summers which is not clear. The other work is an older
text and is based on older methodologies but it is still helpful as a reference work
is Dana and Mantley. The work they do on the explanation of the use of prepositions
was very helpful to me. If the school uses a more modern text like Mounce for the
basic Grammar you will find that Wallace is meant to go the step beyond and the
concepts in the book dove tail very well with Mounce.

Dana and Mantley and their explanation of nouns is based on an eight case system which
agrees with the Summers method of explaining nouns. Mounce and Wallace are based on a
more modern understanding of a five case system, Wallace argues very well for the five
case system over the eight case system.
In either case these works will not be your basic text but will help you to understand
the history and theory behind the method taught in the basic text.

I am sure others on the board will have their opinions on these two works. Many of
the people on the board have more experience than I in teaching the language ... this
is just one man's opinion.


Bill Burks

"Jonathan B. Ferguson" wrote:

> Hello,
> Lord willing I will be starting BJU this fall. I plan on buying a
> laptop computer. I would like to buy BibleWorks 5. Does anyone have it?
> If you do, how do you like it? I use BibleWorks 4 at work quite often, so
> I know how BibleWorks is set up. Also, does anyone else have any ideas
> for (Koine) Greek aids for school? I have been studying Greek by myself
> since July of 2001.
> in Christ,
> Jonathan B. Ferguson
> Kjvonly16@aol.com
> jferguson@tabernacleministries.org
> confed182002@yahoo.com
> Jeremiah 9:1
> ---
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