[b-greek] Re: Greek computer programs

From: Bill Burks (rwburks@flash.net)
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 23:51:03 EDT


As I was reading the posts on this I realized I had made a mistake it is Parson's that
makes Greek Tutor ... anyway it is very helpful to me.

Bill Burks wrote:

> Jonathan,
> I am sure you have this, or have used it but I believe the Logos program Greek Tutor
> is a very good practice tool for Greek grammar. I am not sure what text BJU uses for
> Greek however I would recommend a reference text by Wallace called "Greek Grammar
> Beyond the Basics" for a new student it is a more in-depth reference work for when you
> find a concept in Mounce or Summers which is not clear. The other work is an older
> text and is based on older methodologies but it is still helpful as a reference work
> is Dana and Mantley. The work they do on the explanation of the use of prepositions
> was very helpful to me. If the school uses a more modern text like Mounce for the
> basic Grammar you will find that Wallace is meant to go the step beyond and the
> concepts in the book dove tail very well with Mounce.
> Dana and Mantley and their explanation of nouns is based on an eight case system which
> agrees with the Summers method of explaining nouns. Mounce and Wallace are based on a
> more modern understanding of a five case system, Wallace argues very well for the five
> case system over the eight case system.
> In either case these works will not be your basic text but will help you to understand
> the history and theory behind the method taught in the basic text.
> I am sure others on the board will have their opinions on these two works. Many of
> the people on the board have more experience than I in teaching the language ... this
> is just one man's opinion.
> Regards,
> Bill Burks
> "Jonathan B. Ferguson" wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Lord willing I will be starting BJU this fall. I plan on buying a
> > laptop computer. I would like to buy BibleWorks 5. Does anyone have it?
> > If you do, how do you like it? I use BibleWorks 4 at work quite often, so
> > I know how BibleWorks is set up. Also, does anyone else have any ideas
> > for (Koine) Greek aids for school? I have been studying Greek by myself
> > since July of 2001.
> >
> > in Christ,
> > Jonathan B. Ferguson
> > Kjvonly16@aol.com
> > jferguson@tabernacleministries.org
> > confed182002@yahoo.com
> >
> > Jeremiah 9:1
> >
> > ---
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