[b-greek] Re: Luke 24:49

From: Polycarp66@aol.com
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 12:01:30 EDT

In a message dated 4/8/2002 11:45:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
dbielby@juno.com writes:

While I've been looking at this passage, I was reminded of one professors
angle on Acts 2 that I heard in the early 80's. He speculated that the
tongues of fire 'rested' on the disciples in a judging fashion...that they
were purifying them as well as empowering them...burning up the chaff.
Does KAQIZW potentially include this sense in that passage?

Although one of the uses of KAQIZW is with BHMA in reference to sitting in
judgment, not ALL uses of KAQIZW reference judgment. KAQIZW is used in a
variety of settings as is the English "to sit." In fact, it has perhaps an
even wider usage since it refers to such matters as "sitting in a place" when
what is intended is to state that one lives there. I think this is evidence
of a tendency to "overtheologize" words. Sometimes a cigar is simply a cigar.


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