[b-greek] RE: Genesis 19:18 BHS & LXX

From: Ken Smith (kens@180solutions.com)
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 15:47:16 EDT

19:18 BHS: wayyomer lot 'elehem, `al na, adonay.

I presume you're referring to the final word of the verse, "Lord"

BHS lists two possible emendations for 19:18, both reflecting a singular
rather than a plural address, i.e., "Lot said to him, 'My Lord...'",
rather than the current Hebrew text, "Lot said to them, 'My lords...'".
The LXX, interestingly, reflects a plural address -- PROS AUTOUS -- but
then switches back to singular for KYRIE. My guess is that the latter
is to be explained by the prevalence of the singular KYRIOS for the
"plural of majesty" "Adonay" throughout the Septuagint (ditto with the
singular QEOS for the plural form 'elohiym). However, as the messengers
are elsewhere clearly considered to be plural, I'm not sure why the BHS
even bothered listing that proposed emendation.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Madagoo [mailto:mail@madagoo.f9.co.uk]
> Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 4:25 PM
> To: Biblical Greek
> Subject: [b-greek] Genesis 19:18 BHS & LXX
> Dear Friends,
> I hope this isn't too off the mark, and I realise that this is a Greek
> forum, but perchance someone might help off line.
> Can anyone provide a textual apparatus for Gen 19:18 on the original
> reading whether YHWH or Lord or God in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek and
> perchance citations for any (other) ancient texts (in DSS etc) that
> support a possible original reading.
> Many thanks for your indulgence,
> Yours
> Malcolm Goodwin
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