[b-greek] RE: e-Greek & information discounts

From: c stirling bartholomew (cc.constantine@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 15:41:39 EDT

on 4/11/02 12:16 PM, Trevor Peterson wrote:

> I don't know that it's just changing media that's significant to this issue.

Oh, absolutely. It has everything to do with it. Go back and dig out a copy
of Marshal McLuhan's "Understanding Media" (1968?). The difference between
e-text and printed text is accessibility. Instantly accessible information
which is widely distributed isn't very significant unless it is used in some
new way.

My comments are related to information theory. The significance of any piece
of information is inversely related to its predictability. An e-text cut and
past from a standard reference work is highly predictable. Unless this
citation is used as support for a new (not predictable) analysis of some
significant merit the e-text itself is of little value.

enough for now on this,

I will let other people hash this one over.

Thanks Trevor,

Your insights are always valuable.



Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

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