[b-greek] List of Transitive Verbs Used in a Predicate Nominative Structure

From: Paul Felix (pfelix@tms.edu)
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 17:07:47 EDT

In his discussion of the predicate nominative, Daniel Wallace (Greek Grammar
Beyond the Basics, p. 40) states that in addition to the three common
equative verbs (EIMI, GINOMAI, hUPARCW), the passives of some transitive
verbs can also be used. He mentions KALEW, hEURISKW, and even MENW. Is
anyone aware of a list of transitive verbs that can function as equative
verbs in a predicate nominative structure? Would the form of KAQISTHMI
found in James 4:4 meet the criteria?

Paul Felix

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