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Vascular Flora of the Southeastern United States
Hardin, Massey, Radford, Thieret, eds.

Copyright - James W. Hardin, Ph. D., 1998, 1999. All Rights Reserved.


1. T. occidentalis L. NORTHERN WHITE-CEDAR, EASTERN A. Symmetrical, pyramidal, monoecious trees to 21 m tall; bark gray-brown, ridged, and shreddy; branchlets and twigs obviously flattened into horizontally-held sprays, ultimate twigs soft and flat, 2-3 mm wide with leaves. Leaves scale-like, 1.5-4 mm long, opposite and decussate, closely imbricate, lateral ones conduplicate and keeled, others flat, acuminate, with a resin gland. Pollen cones oblong, 1 mm in diam. Seed cones woody, oblong, 1-2 cm long; scales thin, flattened, imbricate, slightly spreading when open; seeds winged. (n=ll) Spring. River or creek banks, rocky hillsides, often over limestone; chiefly mts. Ky, Ma, NC, Tenn, Va, and WVa. [Ill, Ind, Ohio, and Pa].
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