
Well, If you are really interested, read Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. Seriously though, I am not a Bokononist, but I wouldn't exactly label myself as an atheist, either, although that is what I am. Sure, I do not believe in a "God" since I have no reason to believe in one, have no eveidence that one (or more than one) exists, and so on and so forth, but I honestly do not know. I am, however very skeptical.

I wanted all things
To seem to make some sense 
So we all could be happy, yes, instead of tense.
And I made up lies
So that they fit nice,
And I made this sad world a par-a-dise.
	-Calypso from the Books of Bokonon in Cat's Cradle (90).

Bokononism in a nutshell satirizes the notion of a purpose for life in our universe, and tries to make people happy by providing many foma, or harmless untruths. This illustrates the principle paradox present in Vonnegut's view on happiness; the necessity of lying about the truth to create happiness.

Bernd Wechner has put together a very informative Bokononism Page, as has Aaron Burgman in his The Books Of Bokonon Page.


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