Welcome To The Monkey House . . . is proud to present information on Mary K. Weide's portrait sculpture series which honors persons of goodwill in our society.

Kurt Vonnegut Portrait Sculpture, 1999
by Mary K. Weide

Dear Mary Kay Weide --

        I am profoundly moved and flattered by the portrait you have made of me.  My late sister Allie came into this world a gifted sculptor, but, unlike you, she said,  "Just because you have a talent, that doesn't mean you have to do something with it."  She did very little with hers. You on the other hand, have obviously worked hard for yours, and you are a deeper person and the world is a better place because of that. You may already know what Max Ernst said he loved about doing sculpture:  "I get to use both hands."

Cheers and love,
Kurt Vonnegut

"Participation in the arts -- drawing, dancing and all that -- makes the soul
grow. That's why you engage in it.  That's how you grow a soul."
-- Kurt Vonnegut
Los Angeles artist, Mary K. Weide, has chosen to represent the legendary author, Kurt Vonnegut, in her most recent portrait sculpture series which honors persons of goodwill in our society.  Her decision to represent Vonnegut was inspired after reading his quote about the arts in the Los Angeles Times last year.  "This rang so true for me," commented Mary. "I feel as though I have been saved by my artistic endeavors so I decided to honor the author by sculpting a portrait of him."  The bust will be cast in bronze in an author-signed edition of nine.  At least one of the edition will find its home in Indiana, the state where Vonnegut was born.
Mary embarked upon this mission in 1997 starting with a portrait of an author and leading businessman in Orange County which was unveiled at the Nixon Library.  "It is vital to single out people that set good examples to us all and to say, hey, this person is important and should be honored."  Mary went on to say, "Portrait sculpture is an old art form--I'm really dedicated to making sure it continues. There certainly isn't a lack of deserving subjects."
If you're interested in finding out more about this project or how you can help, contact Mary at:  ARTbyMKW@aol.com.


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Brian Rodriguez | brianrodr@ipass.net |
last update: April 11, 1999
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