
Qualities, seventeen, in Vaisesika philosophy, v1.p266

Queen, of Bimbisara, v2.p27

Kleophis of Massaga, v2.p48

Mother of Mahapadma Nanda, v2.p105

Didda of Kashmir, v2.p328

Queens of Asoka, v2.p175

Questions of Milinda, Buddhist book, v2.p204

Quiloa (Kilwa), in Africa, Portuguese fort at, v6.p94, v6.p148

Quilon (Koulam)

Port in Malabar, early trade of, v6.p30, v6.p78

Portuguese control of, v6.p105, v6.p123

Portuguese establish a factory at (1502), v6.p88, v6.p90

Portuguese establish a fort at (1503), v6.pp122–123

Portuguese monopoly of pepper from, v6.p123

Portuguese protect native Christians at, v6.p123

Portuguese trade and alliance with, v6.pp86–91

Portuguese treaties with, v6.p90, v6.pp122–124, v6.p128

Quixote, Don quoted, v6.p163

This collection transcribed by Chris Gage
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