History of India

Edited by A. V. Williams Jackson, Ph. D., LL.D., Professor of Indo-Iranian Languages in Columbia University

Volume 7 – The European Struggle for Indian Supremacy in the Seventeenth Century

by Sir William Wilson Hunter, K.C.S.I., M.A., LL.D.


Malabar Hill, Bombay

Malabar Hill, a high ridge running out into the sea and overlooking Bombay, forms one of the favourite suburbs of the city. From the heights, on which there are many handsome houses, one obtains a magnificent view across the bay and over the city lying in the distance.

Table of Contents

Editor Introduction

Chapter 1 – The “Separate Voyages” of the Company

Chapter 2 – The Struggle with the Portuguese

Chapter 3 – The Struggle between the English and the Dutch for the Eastern Archipelago

Chapter 4 – The End of the Struggle: the Tragedy of Amboyna

Chapter 5 – The Company and the King

Chapter 6 – First English Settlements on the Bombay Coast

Chapter 7 – First English Settlements on the Madras Coast

Chapter 8 – First English Settlements on the Bengal Coast

Appendix 1 – The Company and the Commonwealth

Appendix 2 – Statistical tables

List of Illustrations

Malabar Hill, Bombay – Wood and Ivory Mosaic in the Golden Temple at Amritsar – Woolwich in 1662 – Queen Elizabeth – Signature of Queen Elizabeth – William Hawkins – Tomb of Emperor Jahangir at Lahore – A Buniah, or Native Merchant of Surat – An Old Picture of the Cape of Good Hope – A General View of Masulipatam – The Panch Mahal at the Moghul Court at Fathpur-Sikri – An Early Type of English Ship – The Palace at Agra – View of Cambay from the South in 1772 – King James I – Bangalore, a Town in Southern India – A Monolithic Temple at Mahabalipur in Southern India – Dom Fr. Aleixo de Menezes, Third Archbishop of Goa and First Primate of the East Indies (1595–1610) – Temple at Ramnagar, showing Carving – General View of Diu – An Early English War-ship – Portuguese Residents at Bantam – Gombroon, or Bunder Abbas, on the Persian Gulf – An Almadia – Delhi Gate of the Fort at Agra – A Bird’s-eye View of Bantam – The Old East India House Used as the Sign of a Joiner “ – A Chinese Street in Batavia, Java – Sir Francis Drake – A Gun from the Indian Archipelago – Thomas Cavendish – View of the River Hugli at Calcutta – Broach, on the Coast of India, in 1778 – Aden – Court of Proprietors, East India House – Gold Lace Workers at Lucknow – A Seventeenth-century Map of India – A Native of Java – Matchlocks from Various Parts of India – Cape Town and Table Mountain – Decoration from an Indian Sword – Court of Directors, East India House – The Fortress at Amboyna – A Ship of the Seventeenth Century – Amboyna – A Scene at Darjiling – The Old East India House about (1650) – Marwari Merchants, or Traders of the Indies – Palace of Jahangir at Agra – De Houtman’s Map of the Sea Route to India, Batavia, and Java in 1597 – A Typical Eastern Scene – Cape Town and Harbour – View of Lucknow – The Durbar of an Indian Ruler – Javanese Princes – Tomb of the Moghul Official Itmad-ad-Daulah, at Agra – A Tropical Scene in India – Arms of the East India Company – Indian Carpenters at Work – The Kaiser Bagh at Lucknow – A Moslem Merchant in Ceylon – Travelling Snake-charmers at Surat – An Indian Tinsel-worker – The Old East India House on Leadenhall Street, 1726–1796 – Sculptured Figures in the Temple at Madura – A Scene in the Bombay Presidency, Western India – A General View of Surat – A View in the City of Ajmir – The Ruined City of Sarkhaj near Ahmadabad – A Native Vessel in the Straits of Malacca – A Teak-wood House at Surat – Encamping at Rajapur near the Bombay Coast – A Southern Indian Sword – Madras – A Southern Indian Sword – Madras – Tomb of the First King of Oudh, Lucknow – A Landing at Masulipatam – Tombs of the Kings of Golkonda – An Ancient Hindu Temple at Chitor – Car of the God Vitoba at Vijayanagar – A Native Boat of the Bay of Bengal – Native Boats on the Ganges in Bengal – Kashmir Gate, Delhi – Diamond Harbour, at the Mouth of the Hugli River – Raj Mahal on the Ganges – A Street Scene in Bombay – A Native Boat of the Persian Gulf – Hookah Smokers, Calcutta – Shop of a Merchant of the Vaisya Caste – A Road Scene in India in the Bombay Presidency – Dacca, near Calcutta, in Bengal – Domes of a Mosque of the Moghul Period – Smaller Gopura in West Court, Madura – A Crowd in a Busy Indian Emporium – The Emperor Aurangzib and his Court

This collection transcribed by Chris Gage
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