History of India

Edited by A. V. Williams Jackson, Ph. D., LL.D., Professor of Indo-Iranian Languages in Columbia University

Volume 8 – From the Close of the Seventeenth Century to the Present Time

by Sir Alfred Comyn Lyall, P.C., K.C.B., D.C.L.


View from the Top of the Tiger Gate in Palitana

The city of Palitana in Gujarat, Western India, is often called the city of temples, for if abounds in sanctuaries and shrines of the Jain religion, some of which are among the most famous in India.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Early Competition for Indian Commerce

Chapter 2 – Influence and Connection of Politics in Europe and Asia

Chapter 3 – Consolidation of the English East India Company

Chapter 4 – The French and English East India Companies

Chapter 5 – The French in India under Dupleix

Chapter 6 – The Second French war

Chapter 7 – The Conquest of Bengal

Chapter 8 – The Situation in Bengal

Chapter 9 – The Marathas and Mysore

Chapter 10 – Administrative Organization

Chapter 11 – The Governor-Generalship of Warren Hastings

Chapter 12 – The Interval between Hastings and Cornwallis

Chapter 13 – The Administration of Lord Cornwallis

Chapter 14 – The Governor-Generalship of Lord Wellesley

Chapter 15 – The Stationary Period

Chapter 16 – The Governor-Generalship of Lord Hastings

Chapter 17 – Completion of Dominion

Chapter 18 – India under the Crown

Chapter 19 – The British Dominion in Asia

List of Illustrations

View from the Tiger Gate in Palitana – An Indian Decorative Design – Aden from the Arab Cemetery – Constantinople at the End of the Seventeenth Century – Queen Elizabeth knighting Sir Francis Drake on board the “Golden Hind” at Deptford, April 4, 1581 – The Moghul Mosque at Fathpur-Sikri – Boats on the Persian Gulf – The Hugli River at Barrackpur – The Old East India House (1726–1796) – Bombay in 1773 – Bird’s-eye View of Trincomali – A Street Scene in Bombay – Sivaji on the March – The Lake of Utakamand in the Nilgiri Hills, Southern India – Peasants drawing Water – A Cart at Madras – Matharan, a Hill-station near Bombay in Western India – The Great Temple of Boro-Budur in Java – The Old East India House (1796–1858) – The Nizam’s Capital, Haidarabad – A Corner of the Divan-i-Khas at Amber – Arms of the New East India Company – The Great Temple at Rangoon – A Water Scene near Garrett, Java – A Pagoda at Pondicherri – Mandhata Island in the Narbada River – The Colombo Breakwater, Ceylon – A Scene in Pondicherri – The Main Gateway of the Temple at Tanjore – The Rock of Trichinopoli – Old Bailey Guard at Lucknow – A Monolithic Temple at Mahabalipur on the Southeast Coast – A Raja of India Receiving a Representative of France – Body-guard of a Native Prince – The Temple Tank at Tirupati – Brahmans of Bengal – Military Practice at Old Fort Jhansi – An Indian Native Ruler – The Sacred Bull at Mysore – Shah Sutlaj Mosque at Multan in Sind – A Sikh Warrior – The Government House and Treasury, Calcutta, from the Old Course – The Black Hole of Calcutta – An Indian Mohammedan Helmet – Shivary Hills near Salem in Southern India – A Native Boat of Bengal – The Great Mosque at Kalbargah in Haidarabad – Lord Clive – The Jamb Masjid at Lucknow – A Mohammedan Tomb at Lahore – Residency at Lucknow – Mountain Tribes of the Afghan Border – The Old Palace at Bhartpur – A Temple near Tinnevelli in the Madras Presidency – A Native Indian Prince and His Court, with Two Europeans – The Fort of Chengalpat – A Mountain Road at Mahableshwar, in the Bombay Presidency – Simla, the Summer Seat of the British Government – Victoria Station, Bombay – Katkari Natives on the Western Ghats – Warren Hastings, Governor-General of Bengal – Raghunath Rao – The Great Cave at Elephanta, near Bombay – A Castle on the Barwa Sagar, Gwalior – Hilt of Tippu’s Sword – Some of Tippu’s Forces – Umbrella Tree and Granite Boulder at Bellary in the Madras Presidency – Cenotaph of a Native Ruler at Jaipur – Lord Cornwallis – A Village God in the Bombay Presidency – The Ghat Temple, Cawnpur – Tippu’s Tomb at Seringapatam – An Action at Seringapatam – Tomb of the Sindhias, at Lashkar – A Street-corner in Bhopal – The Attack on the Sialkot Mutineers by Gen. Nicholson’s Irregular Cavalry, July 12, 1857 – The Jami Masjid, or Great Mosque, at Delhi – Parsi Feminine Types at Bombay – The Atal Tower at Amritsar – The Residency at Lucknow – A Mosque at Aligarh – Gen. Havelock’s Attack on Nana Sahib at Fathpur – The Royal Palace at Baroda – The Kali Ghat, Calcutta – The Hugli River at Calcutta – Ranjit Singh’s Samadh at Lahore – Mountain Scenery in the Himalayas – Site of Ranjit Singh’s Encampment near Rupur, on the Sutlaj – A Temple at Gwalior – Bakhlawar Singh’s Cenotaph at Ulwar in Rajputana – Ruins of Tyre, the Ancient Phoenician City on the Mediterranean – A Nepalese Shield – Peasants of Mahableshwar, near Satara, in the Bombay Presidency – An Indian Rupee of Queen Victoria’s Reign – Burmese Warriors – The Government House at Calcutta – The Golden Throne of Ranjit Singh – Lord William Bentinck – On the Northern Indian Border – The Relief of Lucknow by Sir Henry Havelock – Sir Charles Napier – The Battle of Miani, at which Napier defeated the Amirs – The Battle of Mudki, at which Hardinge defeated the Sikhs – The Battle of Aliwal, in which Smith was Victorious over the Sikhs – Finding the Colours of the 24th Regiment after the Battle of Chilianwala – The Fort and Harbour of Karachi – The Massacre Ghat at Cawnpur – The Charge of the Highlanders before Cawnpur, under General Havelock – Sir John Lawrence – Mountain Passes near Quetta in Baluchistan – Abd-ar-Rahman, Amir of Afghanistan – The Golden Monastery, Mandalay, Burma – The Memorial Well, Cawnpur – The Massacre at Cawnpur – The “Slaughter-House,” where the Cawnpur Massacre took place – Detail from the Hall of a Hundred Columns at Conjevaram – The Durbar of 1902 – Submission of the Maharaja Dhulip Singh to Sir Henry Hardinge, at Kanha Cushwa – View of Muscat from the Housetops – Reception of General Outram and Staff at the Durbar of the Raja of Travancore – Major-General Sir Henry Havelock – A Pillar at Tirumala Nayaka, Madura – The Tilo-Milo Pagoda at Pagan, Burma – A Sacred Pool at Tiruparankundram near Madura – The Ganesa Temple at Tiruvenamalai in South Arkot

This collection transcribed by Chris Gage
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