
         (E)  - /h8/ /h11/ TIME CODE: 29:30

         Brad/Brenda and Maxine at the bar.

                        YIN MAXINE


                        YIN MAXINE
                You work on the boat, don't you?

                Yes, m'am.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I'm not sure how to tell you this but there's
                something you should know.  A very well-known
                drug dealer is here tonight, and I feel
                certain that there's some sort of drug deal
                going on here.  I know how much you must
                protect the reputation of your cruises and all
                -- I thought you should know.

                You pulling my leg or what?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Not at all.  Jack Brodey, the brother of the
                groom -- his reputation is notorious in
                Portland.  I know, I used to live here.

                Jack Brodey is a drug dealer?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Yes.  Do you know him?

                        WAITPERSON (covering)
                No.  I know who he is.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I thought you should know, in case you want to
                do something about it.  Phone the police, for
                example, so they'd be waiting for him when we
                pull back in at the dock.  I'm sure they'd
                find a good deal of cocaine -- other drugs,
                too, perhaps -- right on his person.  He's not
                very careful, considering how well known he

                Thanks for the information.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Will you be calling the police?

                I'll tell the captain what you said.

                        YIN MAXINE
                It's a very serious matter.  I suppose I
                should have gone directly to the captain

                No need to -- I can handle it now.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I fear his own sister might be the one buying

                Why do you think that?

                        YIN MAXINE
                She's become very wealthy.  Half the Brodey
                estate was given to her by her father.  She
                can afford whatever she wants.  I suppose she
                could be accused of being a little reckless,
                buying cocaine from her own brother -- she's
                been down in L.A., where the price is much
                higher, I'm sure -- and maybe she even feels a
                little guilty about her brother being cut out
                of the estate, this is a way to give him a
                little of the money back.  I'd have the police
                search them both, as soon as we get back.

                Thanks for the tip.

                        YIN MAXINE
                It's a disease, really.   They both should be
                locked up so they can get medical help.  You
                will be calling the police, won't you?

                It's the captain's decision.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Perhaps I should speak to him myself.

                There's no need for that.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Of course, what would be ideal would be to
                catch them in the middle of the transaction.
                Passing the drugs and money back and forth.
                I'd recommend keeping an eye on them.

                Good advice, m'am.  I thank you again.

                        YIN MAXINE
                They need help, is the thing.  Terrible

                I'm sure it is.  I'll inform the captain right

        He moves off.  He goes to H. ERROR CODE GO TO H3130
          /ex8/ TIME CODE: 31:00

?"Follow Waitperson" ?"Stay here"

:"Follow Waitperson"
Follow Waitperson

:"Stay here"
Stay here