          F  /en2/   TIME CODE: 05:00

        Angelo watches Cyndi go.  He is puzzled about what to
        believe, interrupted in his thoughts when JACK enters the

                Find out anything?

                Don't you wish.

                Look, man, I don't know what
                I have to do to convince you
                that I know nothing about your brother.

                Jack, now listen to me.  It's
                not I who needs the convincing,
                you understand me?  It's not
                like you're giving the orders
                around here.  It's not like I
                got a problem, understand?

                Angelo, all I mean to say is--

                You don't say.  Understand me,
                Jack?  You don't say!  You
                listen!  Now the skinny is this:
                there is heat on the DiMarco family in
                connection with this bunch of crazy jerkoffs,
                this so-called church, and my business, if you
                get my meaning, and what interests me is why
                is there this connection in
                the first place?  In other words,
                you take DiMarco, you take this jerkoff
                church, and who is the chicken and who is the
                egg? What comes first, understand me?
                Because the fact is, Nick, bless
                my dear brother's heart, has
                been in the other world for some
                any months now and therefore in
                no way is he a fugitive from law
                and justice, like the Feds claim,
                and also he never joined no
                jerkoff church, when he is a
                God-fearing Catholic like the
                rest of the family, and so what
                I don't understand, Jack, is
                what is going on, who in this
                jerkoff church is after DiMarco, or who has
                the audacity to link a good God-fearing family
                name with this bunch of hippy weirdos, not to
                mention getting a certain family business
                involved -- you understand me?

                If you ask me, Angelo, you worry too damn

                Jack, Jack.  I don't need advice from you,
                especially after you upset my boy, Polo. Now
                you know you upset him very bad.  So bad, he
                got himself in trouble over you.  Now you know
                I explained that.  I was short of
                cash at the time.  I'm square
                now, I've been square for over
                a year.

                Forgive me if I'm suspicious, Jack,
                it's the DiMarco nature, but something in this
                marriage, this sister of yours and her sudden
                interest in this jerkoff church, there is
                something that smells to my DiMarco nose like
                a stinking rat.  Understand me, Jack?

                I don't like it any better than you
                do.  For Christ's sake, Angelo, you
                know I'm trying to take her to court
                because of it.

                Your family does strange things, Jack.
                You get Polo in trouble, your sister
                flips her wig, your mother maybe is
                a murderer of her own husband--

                Not necessarily.

                Jack, Jack -- you have to learn to
                listen.  I said maybe.  Did I say

                Hey, you're the guest here, okay?  I'm trying
                to be a good host, Angelo, but don't push me
                too far.

                I push as hard as I want.

                Not me, you don't.

                Listen to the big man.  Jack, you worry me.
                You're not thinking.  Like this former
                housekeeper.  Suddenly she disappears. And
                what does she know about your little side
                business up in your mansion, for example?

                Maxine never knew anything.

                Polo's not so sure.

                She never gave a damn what happened
                in the mansion.  She flipped out
                long before Trudy did.

                So maybe this jerkoff church is into
                some hustle, right?  If it was my
                business, the DiMarco business, I would hear
                of it, right?  Nothing escapes the DiMarco
                family.  So why is there a link between these
                weirdos and my family?  It's more
                than the Feds nosing around, it's
                an insult, to think of such a link.
                So maybe whoever did it is after
                more than the power play, maybe
                it's even personal, to give my family a bad

                I can't follow all this, Angelo.  I
                don't know anything about what the
                Feds in L.A. are after.

                "Cokescam", Jack!  To link the
                DiMarco family and these jerkoffs into one big
                organized cocaine-scamming multi-national
                bad-ass dealing sons-a-bitches!  Do I make
                myself clear?

                I think you're worried about nothing.

                This sister of yours, why is she
                involved in these jerkoffs?

                She's not rational.

                You're sure?

                Of course I'm sure.

                Interesting, when she marries,
                it should be the lawyer, yes?
                The very lawyer who fights
                the Feds in "cokescam."

                Also the one wanting to transfer
                her share of the estate to the

                And are these two scams connected,
                is the point?

                Trudy is mentally disturbed. If you
                think she's involved in the
                "cokescam" business--

                Is exactly what I'm asking,

                Something like that, it would be
                beyond her present mental capacity.

                Or would there be a reason for the
                church to do it, I wonder?  To make
                this link, in order to give the
                DiMarco family a bad name?

                What am I supposed to tell you?
                I can barely follow what you're saying.
                All I'm sure about is, Trudy is
                not herself.  She's lost it.  And
                I think the church is responsible
                for that, in order to get her to
                give them her share of the estate.

                It would be interesting to talk to
                her, the two of us, I think.

                Tonight?  I doubt we'll have the opportunity.

                Opportunities are made, not given.
                I think you can make the opportunity.
                After all, she is your sister.

                I got my own problems, Angelo, I can't worry
                about your paranoia.  Besides, it's her
                wedding here, how could I get her off alone?

                You're a bright boy.  That's what
                Polo tells me.  Reckless but bright.
                Maybe you can think of something,
                Jack.  Maybe it's very important
                that you think of something.

                Angelo, you don't call the shots in my
                territory.  I don't want to have to tell you

                Listen to the big man!  Who do you think looks
                over all territories, Jack?  North and South,
                East and West, the kingpin of all territories?
                This is the DiMarco family I'm referring to.
                Use your head, boy! In other words, Jack,
                there are priorities here. Maybe you need time
                to think.  So I'll be waiting for our meeting
                with your sister, right?  I'll be seeing you
                around . . .

         He leaves the area, going to the bar.  /ex13/
         TIME CODE: 09:00   /h2/

?"Follow Angelo" ?"Stay with Jack"

:"Follow Angelo"
Follow Angelo

:"Stay with Jack"
Stay with Jack