
         (F) UPPER DECK, AFT - /en6/ /en10/ TIME CODE: 28:30

        Yang Richard and CYNDI hurry into the area.

                I was talking to the captain, and I think he
                knows us.  He was captain of the sternwheeler
                in New Orleans and--

                        YANG RICHARD
                Damn, I thought I recognized him.

                Why the hell didn't you tell me?

                        YANG RICHARD
                Now hold on.  So what?  He can't prove

                He can certainly make things difficult, if he
                gets it in his mind that it was us.

                        YANG RICHARD
                We'll be gone tomorrow.  Out of sight, out of

                We can't be sure.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Cyndi, that was so long ago, the statute of
                limitations won't let anyone touch us.  Just calm

                We never should have gotten involved in this.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Now you know it's easy money.

                I don't like the risk.

                        YANG RICHARD
                What risk?

                To us.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Don't get into that again.  What's the
                difference between this and what we've always

                It's not the same.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Surely you're not jealous.

                Times have changed -- I mean, think about it,
                when you sleep with anyone any more you're
                sleeping with everyone else who ever slept
                with them.  A rich bitch like her, who knows
                what she's been into?

                        YANG RICHARD
                I never planned to sleep with her.

                How can you not?

                        YANG RICHARD
                She likes to party and doesn't hold her liquor
                very well -- I plan to keep her drunk.

                Shå isn't even drinking.  Even if she does, you can't
                keep her drunb forever.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Only until she transfers the funds to the
                church.  I'll file for divorce immediately --
                in fact, I've already done the paperwork.
                Relax, nothing is going to go wrong.

                Everything's been going wrong.  Ever since the
                government got into it, I still want to know
                how that started.  It had to come from inside,
                a dumb accusation like that, someone who wants
                to get even for something.  But who?  And for

                        YANG RICHARD
                I've been thinking about that.  I think it
                must be a surrogate mother who wanted out of
                the deal.  There's probably lots of Baby-M
                mothers around, not psychologically together
                to keep their share of the bargain.

                I don't remember anyone wanting to back out.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Oh, quite a few bring up the subject,
                actually, but they're easily persuaded
                otherwise, once I threaten to take them to
                court.  I thought I've satisfied their
                objections.  But maybe someone had second
                thoughts and so went to the Feds with this
                drug nonsense.

                As if we could do better with cocaine than
                religion . . .

                        YANG RICHARD
                The safest drug there is -- from our point of

                The cost of defending ourselves is getting out
                of hand.  How long is all this going to be in

                        YANG RICHARD
                As long as it takes.

                But if the captain somehow got his information
                about New Orleans to the Feds, that would
                improve their case a good deal.

                        YANG RICHARD
                He's not going to do that because we're not
                going to give him any reason to suspect us.

                He already does.

                        YANG RICHARD
                He remembers us from New Orleans.  I think we
                should remember him back -- as tourists on his

                He's closer to the truth.

                        YANG RICHARD
                I know but once we admit knowing him, I think
                he'll forget the whole thing.

                You're amazing.  So calm through everything .
                . . .

                        YANG RICHARD
                Because there's nothing to worry about.
                Really.  Now lighten up and enjoy the party.

                You really didn't plan to sleep with her?

                        YANG RICHARD
                Come on now: jealousy doesn't become you.

                I know we've always had an open relationship,
                and it isn't the sleeping with her so much but
                how everything's changed, I mean you don't
                know who has AIDS and who doesn't any more,
                it's not like it used to be.

                        YANG RICHARD
                I agree.

                Is that why you're not sleeping with her?

                        YANG RICHARD
                I do have tastes.  I hope you remember.  She's
                the last person in the world I'd go to bed

                And she won't be suspicious?

                        YANG RICHARD
                Hey, her type, partying is the main point
                anyway, by the time she sobers up enough to
                get romantic, I'll have filed the papers --
                and, more importantly, we'll have increased
                our assets considerably.

                I never thought we'd need money.  In the
                beginning, even with all the competition --
                I'll never forgive those damn Kree recruiters
                and all the prospects we lost to the ashram up

                        YANG RICHARD
                They went under, don't forget.

                The happiest day of my life.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Listen, the surrogate motherhood business is
                going to be the wave of the future and we're
                on the ground floor of that -- our future is
                very secure, believe me.

                But this damn drug business--

                        YANG RICHARD
                We're innocent.

                That's what makes me mad, having to spend all
                this money to defend ourselves when we're

                        YANG RICHARD
                You're cute.

                Promise you won't sleep with her?  She's going
                to want to.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Is that what's really bothering you?

                I guess it is.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Cyndi, come on, we've been together too long,
                been through too much together, for you to act
                like this.  Give me a hug.

        They embrace.

                        YANG RICHARD
                We're going to join the party and have a good
                time.  Tomorrow we fly home and I'll bet you a
                dinner at the restaurant of your choice, dear,
                that before the week is over I've filed those
                divorce papers.

                Nothing ever bothers you, does it?

                        YANG RICHARD
                It's called awareness.

                No one's a match for you.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Which is what I'm aware of.  Let's join the

        They move toward the bar area, into G.  /ex6/ /ex10/
        TIME CODE: 31:30

?"Follow them" ?"Bookmark"  ?"Exit"

:"Follow them"
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