
          (G)  /en2/ /en11/ TIME CODE: 21:30

        Jack and Maxine enter the area, to get alone.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I don't have more to say, Jack.  If you
                won't believe me--

                        JACK (grabbing her)
                You have a hell of a lot more to say.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Let go of me!

                Not until you tell me the truth.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I have.

        Jack lets her go.

                        YIN MAXINE
                If you don't want to believe the truth,
                that's your problem, not mine.

                Mother hired you, more or less, to kill
                Dad?  Is that it?

                        YIN MAXINE
                If you understood women . . .

                What's that supposed to mean?

                        YIN MAXINE
                How do you think she felt, watching his
                perpetual affairs?

                Including you.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Yes, including me!  Not that I'm proud
                of it.

                You're deranged, Maxine.  First Dad, then
                Trudy -- I'm surprised you never tried to
                pick up on me.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I prefer my lovers sober.

                I'd have to be drunk, to look twice at you.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I see no point in this--

                I'm not done yet.  I want to know about Trudy.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I told you, she had nothing to do with it.

                You said she joined the church in L.A.

                        YIN MAXINE
                After meeting Yang Richard.  He wooed her into
                the church, Jack, not I.

                Let's assume that's true -- isn't it an
                incredible coincidence that both of you end up
                in it?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Okay, I was corresponding with her.  She knew
                I'd joined.  Maybe that had a little to do
                with it.

                Are you two still lovers?

                        YIN MAXINE

        Jack just looks at her.

                        YIN MAXINE
                It's the truth.  We'd split up long before
                Trudy left Raymond and met Yang Richard.  We
                parted friends, though, at least on my end.
                I'll always feel close to her -- not like you
                think, Jack.  Jesus, you know nothing about
                caring, do you?  What I was doing, becoming a
                surrogate mother, was very important to me, I
                wanted to share it with someone I felt close

                Sorry, I forgot the violins.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Screw you.

        She starts away again, Jack stops her.

                I want to know about Trudy.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I can't help you, Jack.

                You think her new husband got her to join
                the church?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Of course.

                She would've joined even without your

                        YIN MAXINE
                I think so, yes.  She's obviously searching
                for something, has been for a long time,
                and the church provides what she needs.

                And you?  Does it provide what you need?

                        YIN MAXINE
                It's given me a chance to become pregnant.
                I owe the church a good deal for that.

                You?  Maxine, this is hard to believe.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I've changed.  I told you that.

                Trudy plans to give her considerable share of the
                estate to the church.

                        YIN MAXINE
                It doesn't surprise me.

                That suggests an ulterior motive in the
                groom, don't you think?

                        YIN MAXINE
                The church is very wealthy already.  I
                doubt if he'd marry just for money.

                How well do you know him?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Yang Richard is a very bright, a very
                talented, lawyer.  Very open-minded.

                Open-minded!  Don't tell me you buy all
                that channelling back twenty-five-thousand
                years bunk, High Priestess what's-her-face
                and the wisdom of matriarchal whatever?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Look around you, Jack.  Who's to make a
                judgment on what people believe or don't
                believe.  You believe in whatever works
                for you.

                I've hired a lawyer to challenge Trudy's
                right to the estate.

                        YIN MAXINE
                On what grounds?

                That Dad was not of sound mind when he recorded his
                will and that Trudy is mentally incapable of handling
                her own financial affairs.  Dad's will is on video,
                for Christ's sake, it's a goddamn performance!

                        YIN MAXINE
                You expect to prove Trudy is crazy just
                because she joined the church?

                For starters.

                        YIN MAXINE
                You don't have a case.

                I do if she was brought into the church
                to exploit her inheritance.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Yang Richard wouldn't marry her just for
                the money.

                You haven't known him very long to say

                        YIN MAXINE
                It's my gut feeling.

                I consider the source, Maxine -- and the
                source is a murderer.

        Brad/Brenda has been trying to get Jack's attention by now,
        gesturing for him to follow.  Jack gets the message.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Then what's the point in talking?

                You're right -- there is no point.  I'm out
                of here.

        He exits to follow Brad/Brenda but will be intercepted.  /ex2/
        TIME CODE: 24:30

?"Follow Jack" ?"Stay here"

:"Follow Jack"
Follow Jack

:"Stay here"
Stay here