
         (G)  - /en14/ /en3/ TIME CODE: 29:30

        Evelyn moves Trudy into the area, mic at ready, beginning the

                Well now . . . congratulations again!

                Thank you.

                I think it's the most unusual wedding I've
                ever witnessed.  Did you write the ceremony

                Oh no, quite the contrary, it's a church ritual that
                I've spent the last week rehearsing.

                Rehearsing here at Edgefield?

                Well, not out here,
                but mentally, there is a script, sort of, the
                order of the proceedings is down on paper, in
                the Universal Church of Primitive Balance this
                is a very traditional wedding.

                But very new to many of us, I think.  For
                example, the fact that you were not present
                from the beginning but arrived from the herb
                garden later -- that has special significance,
                I assume?

                The idea is that the bride and groom begin
                physically separated.  It's not that unusual,
                really: in Christian weddings, it's
                traditionally bad luck to see your future mate
                the day of the ceremony, before the actual
                ceremony, you see -- here, the important thing
                is that we're a part of nature, the garden  being
                the symbol of eternal life, life coming from
                the seed and all, and so in the garden, to begin
                with separation, you'd obviously have to be in
                different places here at Edgefield.

                I see.  There was, here in the ballroom, a
                good deal of chanting . . .


                And words about longing, yang without yin, yin
                without yang -- can you explain about that?

                It all goes back to Primitive Balance.  The
                central notion of the church is
                complementarity, which means that opposites,
                like male and female, but also any opposites,
                are incomplete alone and need to united in a
                kind of tension, tension in the metaphoric
                sense, the way you'd say a poem has tension,
                and that with this tension there is
                complementarity, because each principle,
                whether the male principle or the female
                principle, is complemented by its opposite, in
                what we call primitive balance.

                I'm still not sure I understand.

                Primitive balance is the most basic nature of
                the universe, of life.  Life and death, for
                example: opposites, held in complementarity,
                different aspects of the same thing, really, a
                form larger than either life or death, so that
                what we call life is like a special form, a
                journey in which we have consciousness and
                every thing else, and death is the end of that
                form, the tension breaks, and movement into
                another form, which isn't really dead, in the
                sense of nonexistent, but is just different, a
                new form, with new complements and new
                tensions.  In this sense life is eternal: life
                is eternally in primitive balance, in tension,
                expressing the complementarity of opposites.

                How long have you belonged to the church?

                Only a few months.

                I must say, you've learned a good deal of
                church philosophy in that time!

                I find it interesting.  Cyndi, of course, has
                recorded much of the philosophy, through the
                words of Yin Priestess Dwallah, recorded it in
                writing, in books and pamphlets, as well as on
                audio and video cassettes.  The philosophy is
                very accessible, actually.

                But still new, strange and mysterious to those
                of us who haven't been exposed to it.

                We're not so weird, really.  We go back to the
                very basics, to the early matriarchies before
                the patriarchal revolution and the Christian
                distortion, well, what we call the Christian
                distortion, I suppose you wouldn't agree.
                Let's just say we go back to principles
                expressed twenty-five-thousand years ago,
                through Yin Priestess Dwallah.

                In this sense, the ceremony becomes very
                poetic -- the offering of the female principle
                to complement the male principle, making a
                whole out of opposites -- something like that?

                Sort of, yes.

                Perhaps we can get more on the particulars
                from the Yin Priestess--

                No, she's just Cyndi now.

                Cyndi, who channels back through time; and the
                groom himself is coming this way . . . Excuse
                me, would you join us?

        Yang Richard and Cyndi have come into the area, on their way
        to the bar.

        /en6/ /en10/ TIME CODE: 31:30

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