FlagAnson CromanFlag
LEFT: 20th Michigan flag RIGHT: IX Corps Insignia

Company F, 20th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment

American Civil War

Anson Croman

Our WWII troops are recognized for their liberation of tens of thousands of people held in slavery by the Nazis.
The 20th Michigan was among the units that captured Vicksburg in 1863.
As a direct result thousands of slaves from Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas fled to freedom in Union occupied Vicksburg.
Because of the service of units such as the 20th Michigan, those African-Americans did not need to wait for their freedom until the defeat of the Confederacy in 1865.
That is why I refer to the 20th Michigan as liberators.


Overview: Map and regimental history, 1862 - 1865.

Chronology of the 20th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment in the American Civil War

Before the war: First state convention of new anti-slavery party, the Republicans, held in 1854 in Jackson, Michigan.

1862: Enlistment, Antietam, review by Lincoln, and Fredericksburg.

1863: Vicksburg & Knoxville.

1864: Overland Campaign and the Siege of Petersburg

1865: Fall of Petersburg, Appomattox, and the Grand Review.


Rest of his life

Partial list of Descendants Living and Deceased

20th Michigan Links, Sources, and More Information

20th Michigan Sites Today

INDEX: Cizewski, Lovetere, Musbach, & Robinson Families History

All material not in the public domain © 2011 - 2022Leonard H. Cizewski

Last Major Revision: October 31, 2022
Minor Revision: July, 11, 2018
Posted: In or before 2011 
Last Reviewed:

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