June 24, 1999
For Immediate Release

Andrew Hagelshaw, Center for Commercial-Free Public Education 510 268-1100
Jill Wynns, San Francisco School Board member 415 241-6427

San Francisco School Board Votes for Commercial-Free Schools
"The Commercial-Free Schools Act" responds to negotiations with Coca-Cola

San Francisco, CA – On Tuesday night, June 22nd, the San Francisco Board of Education adopted policy that seeks to keep all of San Francisco Unified School District free from commercial advertising and paid endorsements. Previously, San Francisco was in the majority of school districts that have no review process for corporate sponsored educational materials or in-school advertisements.

"This policy is the strongest protective measure taken by any district in the country," said Andrew Hagelshaw, Senior Program Director for the Center for Commercial-Free Public Education. "This act will be a significant step in the nationwide battle to keep public schools commercial-free and locally controlled." The Act calls for all on-going corporate sponsorships to be directly approved by the Board of Education, and strictly forbids teachers from using curriculum that includes brand name advertising.

The act also forbids San Francisco from entering into a district-wide exclusive contract with a soda or snack food company. Unbeknownst to parents and even some school board members, SFUSD was recently noted as "in negotiation" on an office document from DD Marketing, a private consulting firm that brokers deals between schools and cola companies. "This act effectively cut an exclusive deal with Coke off at the pass," added Hagelshaw.

The Commercial-Free Schools Act also strongly supports a "tobacco support-free educational setting." The products of tobacco company subsidiaries would be restricted from sale in all public schools.

For a copy of the policy, call the Center at (510)-268-1100.

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