As a national organization, the Center for Commercial-Free Public Education can connect journalists to parents, teachers, students and school administrators tackling commercialism in the schools across the country. We've designed the entire site to allow everyone to explore the issues surrounding commercialism in the schools. To access these areas, simply click on the navigational buttons to the left of the screen. If you have more specific requests for materials or local contacts, please use our form.

Teachers Oppose Exclusive Cola Contracts

Is it Wrong to Sell School Naming Rights?

Western Pennsylvania IU To Sell Exclusive Pouring Rights

Attention, -- Students -- Shoppers - Chicago Tribune

Coke Forced to Announce Changes in Dealings with Schools

NYC School Board Warned Against Selling Out Students

"Have You Lost Your Marbles" Awards Blast Pernicious Marketing to Children while Praising Sweden's Stand

New York City– Uncovering ways that children can nag more effectively so parents will buy things for them; sexualizing images of young children to market products; using compulsory…

Madison School Board Votes to Leave Coke Contract

House Passes Student Privacy Amendment

California Bills Passed to Protect Children from In-School Advertising

School Board to Vote on Commercial-Free Schools

Advertising in Schools Robs Communities of Local Control Over Education

New Math Textbook Advertises to Children

Scholastic Drops Golden Marble Sponsorshop After National Protest

Education Center Follows CBS News Story with Release of "Top Ten" Points in School Ads

Commercializing Our Schools: Who's On First? - South Florida Sun - Sentinel

Company's $500 carrot to teachers questioned - Denver Post

McDonald's Benefit: Kids Happy, but Critics Aren't - LA Times

Coke Finds Its Exclusive School Contracts Aren't So Easily Given Up - Wall Street Journal

Resist Pepsi's Generation of Revenue - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Commercialism In U.S. Schools Is Examined In New Report - NY Times

AOL Offers Free Service To Schools - AP

School Board Scuttles Deal With Coke - Philadelphia Inquirer

`Media Literacy' Sparks a New Debate Over Commercialism in Schools - Wall Street Journal

Channel One's Mixed Grades In Schools - NY Times

Davis signs bill to outlaw product plugs in textbooks - AP

Cola contracts lose fizz in schools - USA Today

Math Book Salted With Brand Names Raises New Alarm - NY Times

Lobbyists trying to sway younger minds - USA Today

Pepsi Prank Fizzles At School's Coke Day - Washington Post

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