History of computing at UNC-Chapel Hill

History 1957 - 1998: Contents of Box 2, University archives


  • August 1, 1957: "The Computer Laboratory Project for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hll," W. M. Whyburn (2 copies)
    Gives some background information on high-speed electronic digital computers, mentions IBM 650 at NC State.
    Whyburn's interest began in 1951. In 1955, the Bureau of the Census expressed interest in cooperating on the University's efforts to secure a large computer.
    Describes 1957 proposals: Sperry-Rand for a 1103-A and IBM for a modified 701.
    An addition to Phillips Hall has been authorized.


  • August: News release, UNIVAC 1105 — see photos — click to enlarge
    "In August, 1959 the Consolidated University of North Carolina installed a new Univac Scientific ERA-1105 Digital Computer in Phillips Hall, the newly remodeled physics and mathematics building at Chapel Hill. This is as large as any university computer installation in the world, so far as we know, ..."
  • August 17-28: photo copies of book covers
    Frontier Research on Digital Computers, Volume I, Introduction to the Use of Digital Computer, Programming and Artificial Intelligence
    Notes from the summer conference held at the Computation Center of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C., August 17-28, 1959
    Edited by John W. Carr, III and Mary Dale Spearman
    Frontier Research on Digital Computers, Volume II, Numerical Analysis and Papers Relating to Soviet Computers
    Notes from the summer conference held at the Computation Center of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C., August 17-28, 1959
    Edited by John W. Carr, III and Mary Dale Spearman


  • March 30: The Computation Center Dedication Program: see photocopy in attachment dedication.pdf
    The University's Remington Rand UNICAV 1105 is one of four such systems that will process data for the 1960 census.
    Equipment list price: $2,450,000
    Program Memorial Hall: Presiding: President William C. Friday


  • 4/67: Beginning of a user guide, handwritten, Personnel section: Director J. W. Hanson, Assistant Director Webb Evans, Computer Analyst G. G. Adkins, Liaison Gloria Burnam, Pogrammer Syliva Hubbard, Programmer Jerry Leggett, System Specialist Hoyle Anderson, System Specialist Neil Ludlam, System Specialist Karen Schuerman, Supervisor of Data Preparation Louise Clayton, Dispatcher Barbara Davis, Data Processing (Hanes Hall) James Hodgin, Secretary Sara Gooden, Secretary Lynda Green, Librarian Rayvon Sturdivant


  • Spring 1973: The Catalog of Programs was converted to INFO 360 during the summer and fall of 1972. The first update occured in the Spring of 1973. After this update the Catalog was sent to TUCC for review as it will be adopted as a TUCC document.


  • March 23, 1976: A Brief History of DP at UNC-CH, prepared by Erwin M. Danziger, UNC-CH ADP (1930's to Spring 1976) — see DanzigerHistory1of2 and DanzigerHistory2of2
  • Danziger's paper describing the evolution of computing at UNC-Chapel Hill, including the Computation Center, TUCC, ADP, the hospital, OCR, Department of Computer Science. The Appendix describes some applications, security (including an abortive attempt to damage the ADP computer center by arson) and staff.
  • April 5, 1976: Notice 168, "Installation of the IBM 370/155, and Happy Hours"
  • April 14, 1976: News release: IBM 370/155 II installed in Phillips Hall will be used with the center's IBM 360/75.
  • April 15, 1976: The Chapel Hill Newspaper, "$1.2 Million Computer Makes Its Debut At UNC," has photo with Tom Mason and Linwood Futrelle (photo copy)
  • May 7, 1976, Volume 4, Number 9, The University Gazzette, article "New Computer Installed in Phillips Hall." (2 copies)


  • Programming services organization chart
  • Descriptions of the Computation Center copied from the Graduate and Undergraduate catalogs


  • Herb Grosh tribute to Shelia Littrell in Datamation


  • News release and clippings announcing, at TUCC, IBM 3081 (with 16 megabytes of memory and two central processors) replacing IBM 360/165 and Amdahl V-8


  • Computation Center organization chart, James J. Batter Director


  • March 6, 1983: The Chapel Hill Newspaper, "18 Yeares Old And Obsolete," Computation Center replaced IBM 360-75 with an IBM 4341. Center also has an IBM 370-155. Article has photo of the 360-75 light panel, Jim Kitchen at the console, and two Univac 1105 photos.
  • Photos Replacing IBM Model 75 — click to enlarge
  • Organization chart, August 22, 1983, Jim Kitchen Acting Director


  • News article, News and Observer, September 2, 1984, "Computer center looks back on 'good old days'." Describes Univac 1105, UNCCC celebration of 25th anniversary. "The advent of personal computers is changing the way the mainframe is used."
  • UNCCC Newsletter September 1984: UNCCC 25th Anniversary Celebration
  • UNCCC Newsletter October 1984: UNCCC 25th Anniversary Celebration


  • June 19, 1985: Recommendations for Revised Priorities, From Mainframe Computing Committee, To Campus Academic Computing Committee
  • July 17, 1985: Draft Mission Statement, From Mainframe Subcommittee, To Campus Academic Computing Committee
  • Recruiting director, Dr. John H. Harrison Associate Provost


  • January 20, 1986: News release, "Remote access now available to the Library's online catalog."
  • June-July organization charts, Jim Kitchen Acting Director


  • June: Organization charts William Groves Director


  • Several organization charts.
  • July 18 and July 21 email to staff regarding organizational changes
  • September 28, 1988, Daily Tar Heel insert "Compufest '88," "Complete Compufest Schedule."


  • Several organization charts.
  • August 30, 1989: email to staff from William E. Groves Director, "Provost Dennis O'Connor has today appointed Professor William H. Graves as the chairperson and spokesman for the five IRM directors for planning and coordinating purposes. Professor O. Dale Williams will serve as chairperson of the Academic Computing Advisory Committee...."
  • Judy Hallman's notes of significant events 1984-1989.
  • November 28, 1989: Daily Tar Heel article "Computing office to upgrade services," ... because of the closing of TUCC ... purchase of a new IBM 3090-170J ...


  • January 30, 1990: Centerfold of The University Gazette, "Info -- the best campus planning tool available." Images of main menu and a few other screen. Main menu: 1. Help--Using INFO, 2. Calendar, 3. News, 4. Campus Directory, catalogs, and lists, 5. Ask INFO about..., 6. Other Information Systems — see Campus Information System
  • February 20, 1990: Letter to William C. Friday inviting him to contribute to the videotape presentation comparing computing capabilities of 30 years ago to the present.
  • Prompts for Dr. Friday.
  • Script for the video
  • February 27, 1990: The University Gazette, "ACS again 'state-of-the-art'." Photo of William E. Groves Director and Joe Janis Assitant Director with new automated tape cartridge system. Also "Happy Birthday to ACS," celebrating 30th birthday and rennovations and expansions at the Carolina Inn March 16 and tours of ACS's space.
  • February 1990: Computing Hardware and Services at ACS, ACS Document A-011-3.
  • March 16, 1990: Inivitation to and program for reception at the Carolina Inn.
  • Detailed description of the IBM 3090-170J
  • New release, "The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Installs a Convex C240 Supercomputer for Use in Advanced Research" (2 copies)
  • Newspaper clipping: "Information Office Unveils Convex Computer System."
  • March 17, 1990: The Chapel Hill Herald, "UNC computing services ushers in big guns: Chapel Hill facility celebrates 30th anniversary, $2.5 million upgrade of system."
  • May 1990: StorageTek News: "University of North Carolina recognizes our contribution," photo includes SotageTek Mid-Atlantic Region vice president, with Mike Padrick, ACS and the StorageTek 4400 automatic tape cartridge library system


  • No date: Progress Report, Faculty/Staff Support Center for Educational Computing, College of Arts and Sciences, William H. Graves, Associate Dean for General Education
  • May 22, 1991: Interim Report, From William H. Graves, Associate Provost for Information Technology, To Subcommittee on Financing Information Technology (2 copies)
  • No date: Herald-Sun clipping: "'Spiritual teacher' Dr. Joseph Janis dies"
  • September 4, 1991: Centerfold University Gazette, "Information Technology: No Longer a Luxury: University leaders say the campus cannot afford to lag behind in the technology race," photo of Associate Provost William H. Graves and photo of Ann Parker and James Gogan. Need to replace the broadband network with fiber-optic. "Changes in OIT made to serve campus better," the mainframe and microcomputing groups on campus have been reorganized under Graves as the Office of Information Technology (OIT).


  • News and Observer (I think) clipping: "IBM gives gift to UNC-CH: School to get $1 million in computer equipment" to "...gain better access to records traditionally stored in libraries."
  • September 20, 1992: clipping The News & Observer, "Our missing link with the network of all networks," by William H. Graves (2 copies)


  • October 5, 1993: clipping Daily Tar Heel, "Rose Calls Information Technology 'New Wave'," speaks at UNC computer technology symposium.
  • October 7, 1993: clipping Daily Tar Heel, "New Spencer Lab to House 10 Macintoshes, 2 Printers"


  • OIT User Services organization chart


  • November 26, 1996: dth.access: Your guide to the Internet, A supplement to The Daily Tar Heel


  • April 2, 1997: Program for the Information Technology Support Awards


  • Judy Hallman's notes of significant events 1984-1998.
  • March 23, 1998: clipping, The Daily Tar Heel, Technological Horizons: Nearly a half-century of technology at UNC
dedication.pdf1.97 MB