Help: Instructions for using this site

Registered users can contribute Memories, Photos, and Memorabilia to UNC-Chapel Hill Computing History and describe their roles in computing at UNC and what they are doing now. See How to register for detailed instructions for registering.

     1. Guidelines: Memories vs. Photos vs. Memorabilia vs. Personal Information
     2. Tell us about your roles in computing at UNC and what you are doing now
     3. Add your Memories to the blog
     4. Add a photo to a photo collection
     5. Add an item or collection to Memorabilia
     6. Filling out the form to add content
     7. Edit a Memory or Memorabilia item
     8. Comment
     9. Reply
     10. Send email to another user within UNC-Chapel Hill Computing History
     11. Change account information (password, email address, email contact setting, and more)
     12. Find posts

1. Guidelines: Memories vs. Photos vs. Memorabilia vs. Personal Information

  • Post your Memories of computing at UNC-Chapel Hill, in the Memories blog. They will be added near the top of the Memories page.
  • Use Memorabilia to add items and collections of items, such as departmental records, into a hierarchical structure.
  • Put your favorite photos into Photo collections. You can add descriptive information. You can also include photos in other posts.
  • You can describe your roles in computing at UNC and what you are doing now in a special "Personal Information" section. To see this information for folks, click User list in the left sidebar and then a user name.

2. Tell us about your roles in computing at UNC and what you are doing now:

Click My account in the left sidebar, click the Edit tab, then click Personal information. Tell us what department(s) you were with and what you did. And tell us about your current computer-related activities and interests. Follow the instructions for adding content below.

3. Add your Memories to the blog:

To post, click Personal memories in the left sidebar then click My blog. Then follow the instructions for adding content below.

4. Add a photo to a photo collection:

  • You can resize large photos yourself or, if they are very large, they will be resized for you when you upload them. To resize photos yourself, first check the size of your photo. Go to the folder that contains your photo. Right-click the photo's file and select Properties. If the size is 100,000 bytes or less, then it's probably not too large. Close the Properties window. If it's larger than 100,000 bytes, reduce the size. There are instructions at Photos and images -- resize and edit.
  • Click Add information in the left sidebar.
  • In the list, click Photo.
  • Type in a Title.
  • In the Image Galleries dropdown menu, select a gallery (photo collection). Contact us if you want a new collection.
  • In the Body text area, type or paste in information about the image, for example, identify people, places, and date. See the instructions for adding content.
  • Click Browse, find the file containing the image, and double click or Open the file.
  • Click Save.

You can also include images in other posts. See the instructions for adding content.

5. Add an item or collection to Memorabilia:

  • Click Memorabilia in the left sidebar.
  • Click the section, and perhaps subsection, where you want your item placed. Contact us if you'd like a top level section created.
  • At the bottom of the page, click Add child page.
  • Type in a Title.
  • The Book outline section controls where your item will be placed. You don't need to change anything in this section.
  • In the Body text area, type or paste in the content. See the instructions for adding content.

6. Filling out the form to add content:

The steps for adding content are pretty much the same for all types of posts.

  • Type in a Title or Subject.
  • The Parent (or Image Galleries) dropdown menu displays the section in which your item will be placed. (NOTE: You can move an item from one section to another by selecting a different parent.)
  • In the Body text area, type in the content.

    Formatting options: Above text areas, there are formatting options — you can select text and format it using the icons, for example B for bold. You can paste text into the text area using Ctrl+V — you will see a popup window with "Do you want to allow this webpage to access your clipboard?" Click "Allow access." You may need to do this twice.

    If you prefer to do your own formatting using HTML, below the text area, click Switch to plain text editor.

  • Log message is sometimes used to summarize changes. You can leave it blank.
  • You can include photos. In the toolbar (beneath the word Body and above the textbox), click the "Insert/Edit Image" icon on the far right. A new window will open. Click the Upload tab at the top of the window. Click the Browse button. Find the picture on your PC and double click it. Click the "Send it to the Server" button. When you see the message "Your file has been successfully upload," click OK. If it is a large photo, it will be scaled down. The Image Properties window shows the URL for your photo, its width and height, and how your image will be displayed with sample text. You can resize the image. The "Align" dropdown menu lets you align the image. Click the OK button. Your photo will then appear in the textbox. You can press the Enter key and add more text. Or you can add another photo following the above procedure.

    If you edit the page, you can make changes to the image — right-click the image and select Image Properties.

  • If you would like to provide attachments, for example a Microsoft Word document or a .pdf file, click File attachments, click Browse, find the first file you want to attach and click Open. The file name should be displayed in the textbox next to the Browse button. Click Attach and the file will be uploaded. You may then attach another file, if you wish. After you submit the item, when you view it, you will see, at the bottom of the page, a table showing the attachment file names and sizes.
  • When you think you are done, click Preview, at the bottom of the page. You will then see the formatted page with your original content below, which you can edit. You can edit and preview as much as you like. When you are done, be sure to click Submit at the bottom of the page. After you submit content, you can click the Edit tab to edit.

NOTE: If using Internet Explorer, you may lose the content you are working on, so create content on your personal computer and copy and paste it into the form.

7. Edit a Memory, Memorabilia item, or Photo Collection post:

You may edit Memorabilia items, Photo Collection items, and your own Memory posts. If you are allowed to edit a page, you will see an Edit tab at the top of the page. Click the Edit tab and you will see the form that was submitted. You can change the text and other options. If you do not see the Edit tab, you are not authorized to edit the page.

When you edit a Memorabilia item or Photo, a new revision is created.

8. Comment:

If you would like to comment on something you see on UNC-Chapel Hill Computing History:

  • Beneath the post, click Add new comment.
  • If you don't supply a Subject, the first words of your comment will be used as the Subject.
  • In the Comment text area, type or paste in your comment. See the instructions for adding content.
  • Click Preview comment.
  • When you are done, be sure to click Post comment.

9. Reply:

You can reply to a Comment. Below the comment, click Reply. Then follow the instructions for making a Comment.

10. Send email to another user within UNC-Chapel Hill Computing History:

To send email to another user within UNC-Chapel Hill Computing History:

  • In the left sidebar, click User list.
  • Click the user.
  • Click their Contact tab. NOTE: Users (in their account settings) can turn their personal contact form off (and back on). If you don't see a Contact tab, the user you want to contact has probably turned it off.
  • Complete the form.
  • If you'd like a copy, check Send yourself a copy.
  • Click Send email.

11. Change account information:

You can change your password, change your email address, upload a photo, provide a signature to be included in comments, disallow personal contact by email, and disable the What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editor so that you can use HTML as default for your posts.

  • Click My account in the left sidebar.
  • Click the Edit tab. In the Account settings section:
    • You can change your email address. Type in your new email address. Click Submit, at the bottom of the page.
    • You can change your password. Type your new password in the Password text area and again in the Confirm password text area. Click Submit, at the bottom of the page.
    • You can use the picture option to upload a photo or other image. Click Choose File, find the image you want to use, and click Open. The file name should be displayed in the textbox next to the Choose File button. Click Submit, at the bottom of the page.
    • Under Comment settings, you can provide a signature that will be included with your comments. You can enable or disable rich-text formatting for your signature. Type in your signature. Click Submit, at the bottom of the page.
    • You can disallow personal contact by email — under Contact settings, uncheck the box Personal contact form.
    • At the top of the page, click Rich Text Editor settings. In the dropdown menu under Default state, you can select enabled or disabled. Select enabled if you will normally want to use a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editor when entering text. Select disabled if you will normally want to use HTML. Ignore the other options unless you know what you're doing.

12. Find posts:

You can find items that have been posted in a few different ways:

  • Enter terms you want to search for in the text box on the top of the page and then click Search. Note: Indexing is done hourly, so you won't find new items immediately after you post them.
  • Click User list in the left sidebar, click a username, and then click the Track tab.

Contact us if you have questions or problems using this website.