How to register

To register: In the left sidebar, beneath the text boxes labeled Username and Password, click Create new account. Enter a Username that you are likely to remember — some people use their last name, perhaps with initials. Enter your email address. Check your email address to make sure you typed it correctly. Fill in the Name and Address form. Red asterisks (*) mark required information. Click Create new account.

Go to your email service. You should receive a message with subject "Account details for..." containing your username and password. If you don't see the email message, check your spam folder. If, after half an hour, you still do not see the message, send email to asking the system administrator to check your account. Be sure to include the username you requested.

Before you can log in, your account request needs to be approved by the administrator. You will receive a separate email message from the system administrator saying that your account has been approved. When you have received both messages, you will be able to login, following the instructions in the first email message.

When you first login, change your password — click My account in the left sidebar. Click the Edit tab. Enter a password of your choosing and type it again in the Confirm password text box. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit. You can come back later to change other items associated with your account.

To ensure that you are able to login, in the left sidebar, click Log out. Then enter your username and password in the text boxes in the left sidebar.

If you have problems logging in, click Request new password in the left sidebar. Enter your email address. You'll receive another email message. Follow the instructions to log in and set your password.