List of contents of the four Computation Center boxes

Materials in the Manuscripts Department, Wilson Library

Oversized, not in boxes:
Photo, computer light panel, I think of the 360/75
Poster: Info, Campus Computing at your fingertips, DEC VAX
January 30, 1990 Gazette article on Info.

Four boxes:

Box 1: Folders
Sadler Committee
Campus Web Advisory Committee
Gazette: July 1998, CCI to begin
History 1982-83
5 year plan 1991
Interactive computing
Judy Hallman's publications
25th Anniversary, including guest list and some letters
1957: Whyburn letter, Center dedication
5-year plan prior to Call-OS
Brochures, including one for CBT
Photos moved to Box 2

Box 2: Folders
Photos, from Box 1
New Home Page
Steering committee
Student Government
Kill Info
History (Info)
History of the Center: Includes:
Brochures: The Computer at Chapel Hill 1960 (2), The Computation Center -- 1105,
Model 40, Model 50, and Model 75, 1973.
Progress Report: Support Center for Educational Computing, Bill Graves, 1984(?)
Brief History of DP at UNC-CH, Danziger, 1930s - 1976 (on back)
The Computer Laboratory Project for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
August 1, 1957, W. M. Whyburn
Catalog of programs,
News releases, especially on upgrades
Danziger paper
Computer Fair
Computer Science
History of computers
Newsletters: Sept & Oct. 1984 on the 25th
Organization charts, 1980s
Interim report of the Moorhead committee, 1991
Computation Center dedication program
Copy of covers: Frontier Research on Digital Computers, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Notes from summer conference, Aug. 17-28, 1959, John W. Carr III and May Dale Spearman
Reception Carolina Inn March 16, 1990
Some history notes 1984-1996
ITS Awards program, 1997

Box 3:
Newsletters: Vol 1 # 1 Sept 1968 Vol 6 # 9, May/June 1974
Vol VII # 1 Aug 1974, Vol VII #2, Oct. 1974
Newsletters: Vol VII # 3, December 1974 - Vol 17 #2, January 1985
Newsbriefs Jan 12, 1983 #54 - Dec. 1990 # 440
Introduction to Academic and Research Computing at UNC-CH, PG-6-82, revised July 1985
Yellow booklet, September 1968, Computation Center of the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
Users Guide, Computation Center, 1969
Computation Center Operating Policies, September 1969
New User Packet, Aug. 1973
New User Packet, Aug. 1974
New User Packet Sept. 1975
New User Packet, Aug. 1978
New User Packet, PG-06-82, Revised Aug. 1984
Communicating with System 360/370, PG-7-74, Fall 1974
Communicating with System 360/370, Fall 1975
Communicating with System 360/370, Spring 1979
Communicating with MVS, PG-08-74, Fall 1984
Communicating with MVS, PG-08-74, Fall 1986
Processing Batch Jobs, I-002, October 1987
Managing Data, I-003, April 1988
Using SAS, G-017, Dec. 1987
TUCC Catalog of Programs, GIR-067-1, Fall 1974
UNCTEXT User's Guide, May 25, 1973
UNC Academic Services Annual Report 1987-1988
OIT Review: Fall 1992 (2), Fall 1993 (4), Fall/Winter 1994 (2),
Spring/Summer 1994 (6), Spring/Summer 1995

Box 4:
Box with 50 slides, UNIVAC 1105, terminals, people.
Box with 16 more slides.
John Blanton's ASAP Primer, 1970, version 1.5
An Introduction to File Processing, Richard W. Conway, William L. Maxwell, February 1,
1972, Department of Computer Science and Department of Operations Research, Cornell
TUCC document ASAP: A File Maintenance and Information Retrieval System (Local
Implementation) LSR-136-2, February 26, 1974
ASAP 2.0 System Reference Manual, Compuvisor Inc., Ithaca, NY, September 1, 1991
Loose papers: What is ASAP (brochure, Information Associates, Fairport, NY),
ASAP complete example, Oct. 15, 1973 handout, sample printout (1 page),
description of VTOC (volume table of contents), hexlist printout, TUCC, 8/31/83 of
Notebook: Newsbriefs 1-52, 1982
Notebook: Newsbriefs Jan 7, 1991 #441 - Dec. 16, 1991 #489, Jan. 1992 Vol 1 #1 -
Aug 1997, Vol 6 #26
Notebook: Newsbriefs Nov. 3, 1997 - Nov. 9, 1998
ATNS Reports: Vol 1 #1, Sept/Oct 1995, Vol 1 #2 Nov/Dec 1995, Vol 1 #3 Jan/Feb 1996,
Vol 1 #4 Mar/Apr 1996, Vol 1 #5 Summer 1996
University of Waterloo Computer Center, SYSPUB User's Guide, Nov. 2, 1977
Notebook: Overview of OIT documentation April 1994 and the documents.
All are available in Info. Service oriented, Network oriented, Convex, DEC VAX,