1995-11-15: Hot Java

Summary of November 15Web-Walkers meeting (UNC-CH)

Summary of November 15 Web-Walkers meeting

Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 10:56:23 -0500

From: Judy Hallman

To: web-walkers@unc.edu

Subject: Summary of November 15 meeting on Hot Java

To Web-Walkers:

Summary of November 15 meeting on Hot Java

Thanks to Bob Schreiner for help with notes


We briefly discussed a new structure for the departments and organizations
page -- at http://www.unc.edu/~hallman/depts/. There were some good
suggestions -- add "people" to the search options (the campus directory),
and add descriptions of the categories.

Followup: I checked with a few people in University Relations and
there are some problems with what I have proposed. I need to do
some more work on this page.

Question: Can students keep pages after graduation?

Answer: No. But class pages can be continued.

Announcement: Special presentation by John Loonsk November 29.


Paul Jones headed up this presentation, assisted by Bob Henshaw and
Mark McCarthy.

Paul pointed out the network load for pushdown annimation that is
elminated by using Java. Applications software needed is downloaded
automatically and run on the local machine; he noted that the moving clock
he was displaying on the screen was being controlled by software running
on the local machine.

The outline of the first part of Paul's presentation is at

Java helps programmers, designers, and browsers (the people).

Java is a programming language like C++; it is object oriented, but simpler
than C++.

Java helps designers. Don't think of it as programming; it's like HTML
-- easy. applets are coded using . Look familiar?

Browsers (people) get software (for example, to play sound) on demand. No
more helper apps to keep up with. True local interactivity.

For some samples, see Mark's page -- http://sunsite.unc.edu/marky-
java.html. The demo was slow because it was bringing down 40 images and
the network was slow.

Java is not available for the Mac yet; expected early in '96.

Java was designed with security in mind. Browsers can't write anything.
Your applet code is checked as it is compiled.

With Java, it's easy to move images around on your local machine; the
images are download, but then you can move them around as you wish -- it's
not like dragging gif files; it's more like moving around refigerator

Applets are usually small. http://www.gamelan.com/ is a distribution
center for applets.

Other URLs to check out are:




Hot Java is Sun's browser; Java is the language.

The speakers pointed out that the Netscape code isn't clean yet. You need
Netscape 2, Win 95, Sun, or Windows NT. It's not available yet on Macs,
Windows 3.1, or linux.

Bob pointed out a page of helpful information for potential Java
developers at http://ils.unc.edu/blaze/java/javadesign.html, and that you
cannot use the Save As command to download an applet to a local drive like
you can an html page.

While it is clear that not everyone can use Java yet, we were encouraged
to try things out and get ready for when everyone can use it.

Followup notes: Carolyn Kotlas , IAT, has added
the URLs for the sites shown at this presentation to a HotJava resource
list she already had on the IAT's Web server. The updated page is at URL:


There is also a local newsgroup, unc.java, for developing, porting and
using the java object oriented language and the HotJava WWW browser


Deb Aikat, JOMC, daikat at email.unc.edu

Arturo Barrios, OIT, arturo_barrios at unc.edu

Lea Blanton, Friday Center, lea_blanton at unc.edu

Tom Bowers, JOMC, tom_bowers at unc.edu

Ann Brookhart, Housing, ann_brookhart at unc.edu

Andy Broughton, Sch. of Social Work, abrought at email.unc.edu

Paula Carson, SIS Office, plc.our at mhs.unc.edu

Kirstin Chaffin, Inst. of Govt, chaffin.iog at mhs.unc.edu

Frank Di Mauro, AHEC, fadim at med.unc.edu

Nancy Doyle, Registrar/ADP, nmd.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Susan Dunn, Inst. of Govt, dunn.iog at mhs.unc.edu

Lynn Eades, HSL, beades at med.unc.edu

Kathy Edwards, OIT Docteam, kathy_edwards at unc.edu

Scott Freeman, ADP, rsf.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Howard Fried, Biochemistry, refried at email.unc.edu

Sandy Gettys, ADP, sandy_gettys at unc.edu

Erika Grams, history/WUNC, erika at email.unc.edu

Judy Hallman, OIT, judy_hallman at unc.edu

David Johnston, Psychology/Davie Hall, david_johnston at unc.edu

Bob Kessler, Chemistry, bob_kessler at unc.edu

Carolyn Kotlas, IAT, carolyn_kotlas at unc.edu

Barri Lawhorne, Housing, barri_lawhorne at unc.edu

Tong Liu, CPC, tongliu at xerxes.cpc.unc.edu

Chuck Lovelace, Morehead Foundation, cel at unc.edu

Carol Martell, HSRC, carol_martell at unc.edu

John Meeker, Sch. of Pharmacy, john_meeker at unc.edu

Sally Muller, OIT, sally_muller at unc.edu

Tim Murphy, Dentistry, tmurphy.dentce at mhs.unc.edu

Lynne Neill, ADP, lcn.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Mary Overby, OIT, mary_overby at unc.edu

Forrest Page, Morehead Foundation, fhpage at email.unc.edu

Anne Parker, OIT, anne_parker at unc.edu

Gary Pattillo, Davis Library Reference, pattillo at email.unc.edu

Wendy Perry, ADP, wwp.admin at mhs.unc.edu

John Pishney, IAT, jon_pishney at unc.edu

Bridget Regan, ILS, regab at ruby.ils.unc.edu

Wendy Robinson, Journalism, robin001 at mc.duke.edu

Damon Sauve, OIT Training, damon_sauve at unc.edu

Bill Schley, Library Reference, bill_schley at unc.edu

Bob Schreiner, Public Health, bob_schreiner at unc.edu

Kay Stanley, OIT, kay_stanley at unc.edu

Bob Stepno, JOMC, rbstepno at email.unc.edu

Charles Streeter, Housing, charles_streeter at unc.edu

Chuck Thomas, Wilson Library, thomc at ils.unc.edu

Bill Tolbert, HSRC, bill_tolbert at unc.edu

Penny Ward, Research Services, crunchy at email.unc.edu

Chris Welbon, FPG/NEC*TAS, ctwelbon at email.unc.edu

Mark Whelan, Sheps Center, mark_whelan at unc.edu

To the UNC Home Page

Last modified:
1995 Dec 08

Suggestions to:
(judy_hallman at unc.edu)