1995-12-20: Copyright

Summary of December 20 Web-Walkers meeting (UNC-CH)

Summary of December 20 Web-Walkers meeting on Copyright

Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 12:37:31 -0500

From: Judy Hallman

To: web-walkers at unc.edu

Cc: Laura Gasaway (unclng at email.unc.edu)

Summary of December 20 meeting on Copyright

Presenter: Laura Gasaway

Many thanks to Lolly for the presentation and for corrections to this

Lolly pointed out that she is director of the law library and a professor
of law at UNC-CH, but that she does not speak for the University.
Direct questions to Susan Ehringhaus' office about the law, University
policy, and the like.

Lolly spoke about existing copyright law.

What is eligible?

Originality and creativity are required.

Fixation -- for example, on paper or disk.

Term of copyright is life of the author plus 50 years (likely increasing
to 70 years soon). For a corporate author, 75 years after publication. For a
group, term is based on the life of the last living author.

Notice of copyright:

Optional since 1988. Though it is not required, it's a good idea to
include a copyright notice to remind people.

The copyright act is technology neutral.

Rights of the copyright holder:

reproduction, distribution, adaptation, performance, display.

Fair Use:

Specifics that are not an infringement of copyright depend on the purpose
and character of use, nature of the copyrighted work, amount, and market
effect. Must be judged on a case-by-case basis.

The Internet and copyright:

Copyright belongs to the author; this includes submissions to lists.
Just because you find something on the Internet doesn't mean it is there
by permission.

Links are pointers; they're fine.

If we put copyrighted information in the Web without permission, we can
be sued personally; the University also might be liable. Clear any questions
with the University Counsel re specific inclusions, etc.

Use the registered trademark symbol (R with cirle around it) to show use
of registered trademarks, such as University mascots and logos.

Companies are getting started that will police copyright on the net.

If a work is copyrighted, seek permission. Keep permission on file. If it
was granted via e-mail, print the message and file it.

Get permission to use UNC-CH campus photos or take your own pictures.

Web sites:

Bleeding edge Internet issues: http://www.benedict.com/webiss.htm#webiss
(Note: that's htm not html)

There is a huge amount in the public domain that may be freely
incorporated into home pages, particularly material with expired copyrights.
See http://www.netgate.net/~bmb/PubDomain.html for a table of when works
pass into public domain.

Federal documents are in the public domain, but state documents may not be
in the public domain.

Infringement is a serious matter.

US Copyright Office: telnet locis.loc.gov

or marvel.loc.gov (this second one didn't work for me; asked for a
login; but locis.loc.gov gets the jobs done)

http://www.directory.net/copyright (Copyright Clearance Center)

Internet discussion groups:

send to cni-copyright at cni.org
  subscribe cni-copyright your-first-name your-last-name

send to listserver at birds.wm.edu   [yes, it is listserver, not listserv]
  subscribe cyberia-l at birds.wm.edu your-first-name your-last-name
(includes computer people too)


Deb Aikat, JOMC, daikat at email.unc.edu

Chris Anderson, ADP, cba.admin at mhs.unc.edu

Lea Blanton, Friday Center, lea_blanton at unc.edu

Ivis Bohlen, irbohlen at med.unc.edu

Tom Bowers, JOMC, tom_bowers at unc.edu

Brenda Carney, Friday Center, btc.ce at mhs.unc.edu

Anne Carter, OIT, anne_carter at unc.edu

Frances Coombs, brcrkwmn at nando.net

Kathleen Crook, kathleen_crook at unc.edu

Frank Di Mauro, fadim at med.unc.edu

Lynn Eades, HSL, beades at med.unc.edu

Kathy Edwards, OIT, kathy_edwards at unc.edu

Libby Evans, evans at unc.edu

Marybeth Grinnan, UNC Printing, pdmhg at bullhead.adp.unc.edu

Judy Hallman, OIT, judy_hallman at unc.edu

Chad Kearsley, chad_kearsley at unc.edu

Amy Kreiling, Computer Science, kreiling at cs.unc.edu

Lori McRae, Computer Science, mcrae at cs.unc.edu

Greg O'Rear, ADP, jgo.systems at mhs.unc.edu

Regina Oliver, Alumni Assn., regina_oliver at unc.edu

Anne Parker, anne_parker at unc.edu

Roger Nelsen, Alumni Assoc., roger_nelsen at unc.edu

Cindy Rhine, DCRP, rhino at ils.unc.edu

Wendy Robinson, JOMC, robin001 at mc.duke.edu

Bob Schreiner, bob_schreiner at unc.edu

Ranjeev Singh, JOMC, ranjeev_singh at unc.edu

Cheryl Ward, cheryl_ward at unc.edu

Penny Ward, ORS, crunchy at email.unc.edu

Loren Watterson, CPC, loren_watterson at unc.edu