• Paul

    Awarded Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 1969. Served as Computer Center Director, 1968-1970

    Retired (1997) Partner from management consulting firm Booz|Allen|Hamilton.

  • Joe

    UNC Computation Center: Manager Data Preparation. Various supervisory assignments including conversion of UNC payroll from punched card to computer processing and facilitator for A.C. Nielsen processing of Census Data.

    I am retired and active in many events of The Crystal Coast of North Carolina. I live in Emerald Isle and stay active in computing through interest in digital photography and video processing and editing.

  • Bob

    I was a was an undergrad student employee from 2/4/59 until 8/62. In the Spring semester of 1959 I opened the Psyc lab in ? Hall each evening so that students in Dr. Carr's programming class, the first course on programming at UNC, could punch their cards. Once a week I took the cards to NCSU to run them on their IBM 650. Thus, the students were able to get trial runs of their programs once a week! In the summer of 1959, I joined the first group that was trained to operate the Univac. The training consisted of a 6-week course taught by a member of the Census Bureau. The course was taught at Illinois Inst. of Technology which had already acquired a Univac 1105 in a similar arrangement as UNC had with the Census Bureau. The group then had a two-week period of hands on training at the Census Bureau in Washington. Later working as a programmer. I, along with Lee Butler and assistance from other grad students, implemented IPL-V for the Univac. This sparked my interest in research that was going on at Carnegie Inst of Tech, now Carnegie Mellon Univ, where IPL-V was invented which led to my enrollment as a grad student at CMU in the Fall of 1962 where I received my PhD in mathematics and computer science in 1968.

    My time at the UNC computing center was an exciting time. I was 18 years old when I began working there and many of the full-time people were important mentors for me, especially Dr. Carr and Bill Hanson. They gave me opportunities for learning and practical experience that proved valuable when I entered grad school.

    I am now retired and living in Winston-Salem. After receiving my PhD in 1968, I was a faculty member in computer science/mathematics at Duke, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, RPI, and for the last 23 years as Dept Chair and Professor of Computer Science at the Univ. of Delaware. I even spent on year in the computer science dept at Illinois Inst. of Technology (1976-77)where 17 years earlier I learned my very first lessons in computing.

  • Sylvia


    Retired from UNC and most recently, Duke BioMedical Engineering. Now I play with fire and sharp tools and I polish pretty stones (I am a silversmith) - even more fun than playing with computers.

  • Scott G.

    Cray, Inc

  • Judy
    hallman's picture

    I took one of the first computer courses on the Univac 1105 (taught by John W. Carr with Bill Hanson) while in graduate school (1960). In 1967, I joined the UNC Computation Center as a Fortran/Assembler programmer. When I retired in 1999, I was Campus Webmaster and a Tier 2 Analyst in the IT Response Center.

    I've been working with Public Information Network, Inc. (better known as RTPnet) providing hosting services for nonprofit organizations since 1989. My current interests include Drupal and CiviCRM, NCCommunities.org, NCTech4Good, and recording the history of computing on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.

  • B.

    Office helper.

    Environmental engineer

  • Jane

    Undergraduate student employee from June 1960 until August 1962. Started doing clerical work and then went on to program with Bill Hanson on the Symbolic Differentiation project.

    Now retired! I spent many years in academic computing administration before going to the National Science Foundation to work on NSFNET and development of the internet for research and education.

  • Lyle

    In the summer of 1958, I participated in a 6-week program at the RAND Corporation, dedicated to introducing social scientists to the use of computers for simulating cognitive aspects of human behavior. Herb Simon, Alan Newell, and Donald Shaw ran the program; to implement our projects, we used Johniac, the computer in the basement of RAND's Santa Monica headquarters.
    Stimulated by that experience, as Director of the Psychometric Laboratory Bernard Greenberg (Biostatistics) and George Nicholson (Statistics) and I pooled grant resources to bring the first computer to our campus in January of 1959. I had attended a week-long training program in Chicago in December, 1958, to be able to teach others about using the machine, e.g., how to write programs in hexadecimal. The computer was an LGP-30, developed as a small airborne unit during the Korean war. It used a Friden Flexowriter with paper-tape input and typewriter output. It had a 4096-word rotating-drum memory. Distributed by the Royal McBee Corp., we leased it at a monthly cost of about $1100. It resided in a room adjacent to my office on the first floor of Nash Hall on Pittsboro Street (and was the excuse for us to gain approval to use research-grant funds for window air conditioning, otherwise not then allowed for campus offices or classrooms). Faculty, staff, and graduate students students from the three sponsoring units became the used the computer.
    Within several years, the Lab purchased from Digital Equipment Corp. a PDP-8. We also purchased the LGP 30 and it was moved across Pittsboro Street to Miller Hall, where its use was supervised by Tom Donnelly, Research Associate in Biostatistics. In 1967, the Lab moved to Davie Hall and purchased from grant funds both a PDP-11 and an IBM 1130. We also were active users of the Univac 1105 in Phillips Hall.
    In the early 1960s, then Graduate Dean Alexander Heard asked a faculty committee to establish a plan for a Department of Computer and Information Sciences and to search for a department chairman. As a member of that committee, I am proud to have enthusiastically recommended founding the department, and for then encouraging Fred Brooks to accept the appointment as Professor and Chair..

    As a Research Professor of Psychology, I maintain an office in the L.L Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory, Davie Hall.

  • William
    WmHBlair's picture

    Graduate Student of Dr. Fred Brooks, 1970-1973. System Programmer at UNC Comp Center 1971-1973. I worked with Neil Ludlam, Lane Ferris, Charlie Green, Hoyle Anderson, Howard Elder, and Jim Batter at UNC, and Harold Jackson, Jim Walker, John Stephenson, Dave Freeman, and Jim Ott at TUCC. When the System/360 Model 75 was moved from TUCC to the basement of Phillips Hall at UNC, I did the first OS/360 SYSGEN for it and then ported many of TUCC's HASP modifications to the modified version of HASP we used at UNC. As one of the authors of the Chapel Hill Alphanumeric Terminal (CHAT) System, I wrote and supported the OS/360 MVT IOS modifications that enabled the unsupported, non-standard, channel-attached CCI terminal control unit's device type to be accessed using EXCP, and the SVC routines and other I/O and operating system interface support. I also was one of the few people [in the world] ever to run CMS on a real System/360 (other than a Model 67, of course); I used the Model 50 that the UNC Comp Center had at the time.

    Product development for BMC Software in Houston, TX

  • john
  • William
  • greg
  • David
    dfrankstone's picture

    Just prior to entering law school I worked at ADP in Hanes Hall at night. I ran the burster and the mail machine that stuffed the water and power bills for Chapel Hill. This was 1972.

    I am a private practice lawyer in Chapel Hill

  • Lynda

    technical support analyst for School of Dentistry

    technical support analyst for School of Dentistry

  • Jeanne

    Various roles in ATN and ITS. I founded the ITS Information Security Office.


  • Francis
  • David
    uncledave's picture

    Early: Worked on UNCText, OCR, Interactive Services. Wrote FormPlot.
    Late: Wrote UNC Online IMS demo, ProjecTier, bFree, worked on UNC Direct Online Registration.

    Programming Java apps, Android apps, iPhone apps.

  • Miriam

    I was a graduate student under John Carr from 1960 through 1963. My Master's thesis was one of the first ones relating to computers that was accepted by the math department. I worked closely with Dr. Carr and Dr. Peter Naur of Denmark in the design and partial implementation of an Algol 60 compiler.

    When I left UNC I went to the Couraunt Institute of Mathematics at NYU. After six years of living in West Pakistan, i taught math in the public school system, then went to work for NCR as a course developer/instructor. I retired from NCR at the level of Senior Education Consultant. I now do substitue library work, but still try to maintain some facility with computers.

  • john

    Management of the communication technologies for UNC-CH

    Management of the communication technologies for UNC-CH