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Table of Contents

List of Illustrations

A Note to the Text

Notes and other Criticism


Their Wedding Journey

By William Dean Howells, 1871, 1887

with illustrations by Clifford Carleton, 1895, 1916

Boston and New York
Houghton, Mifflin and Company

Copyright 1871, 1888, 1899, 1913 and 1916, by W. D. HOWELLS
Copyright, 1893,
All rights reserved. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.
Printed in the U.S.A.


  1. I. . . . The Outset
  2. II. . . A Midsummer-Day's Dream
  3. III. . . The Night Boat
  4. IV. . . A Day's Railroading
  5. V. . . . The Enchanted City, and Beyond
  6. VI. . . Niagara
  7. VII. . . Down the St. Lawrence
  8. VIII. . The Sentiment of Montreal
  9. IX. . . . Quebec
  10. X. . . . Homeward and Home
  11. XI. . . Niagara Revisited, Twelve Years after Their Wedding Journey


Caption..........................[approximate size in kilobytes]

  1. "We shall not strike the public as bridal, shall we?". .[38KB]
  2. Waiting at the Depot. .[45KB]
  3. "Don't go by the boat!". .[11KB]
  4. Running for the Train. .[6KB]
  5. A Night Scene. .[13KB]
  6. Early Morning. .[11KB]
  7. Trinity Churchyard. .[46KB]
  8. In Leonard's Office. .[44KB]
  9. Talking their Husbands over. .[15KB]
  10. A Hot Sidewalk. .[15KB]
  11. Cool, Dark Parlors. .[43KB]
  12. "I Can't stand this much longer". .[11KB]
  13. Your own Stateroom. .[9KB]
  14. A Sheltered Space aft of the Saloon. .[30KB]
  15. Arriving Passengers. .[15KB]
  16. From the Deck. .[9KB]
  17. The Poorly Dressed Young Man. .[14KB]
  18. His Midnight Vigil. .[15KB]
  19. Discussing the Accident. .[13KB]
  20. Watching for the Morning. .[23KB]
  21. A Glimpse of the Canal. .[9KB]
  22. A Hurried Good-by. .[18KB]
  23. The Softening Hat. .[2KB]
  24. In the Fashion. .[1KB]
  25. Buying cheap. .[2KB]
  26. Selling dear. .[2KB]
  27. Scraping Acquaintance. .[5KB]
  28. Imaginary Solitude. .[3KB]
  29. "Oh, disgusting!". .[22KB]
  30. Like Verona. .[14KB]
  31. The Condescending Hotel Clerk. .[25KB]
  32. Evidences of Luxury so far from Boston. .[38KB]
  33. A Swarm of Servants. .[15KB]
  34. The Beacon Street of Rochester. .[36KB]
  35. "I wish it was we". .[21KB]
  36. The Genesee Falls. .[43KB]
  37. The Unsparing Train-boy. .[13KB]
  38. The Arrival. .[5KB]
  39. At the Foot of the Falls. .[30KB]
  40. In the Grand Parlor. .[40KB]
  41. The Breakfast-Room Ordeal. .[39KB]
  42. A Shady Seat on the Island. .[29KB]
  43. Public Love-Making. .[10KB]
  44. The Frisky Elderly Gentleman. .[7KB]
  45. The Empty Dining~Room. .[11KB]
  46. Buying the Little Keepsake. .[15KB]
  47. The Rapids. .[21KB]
  48. The Pilot. .[19KB]
  49. Securing their Stateroom Keys. .[14KB]
  50. A Cosy Corner. .[17KB]
  51. Among the Thousand Islands. .[14KB]
  52. The Nobleman. .[10KB]
  53. In the Pilot House. .[6KB]
  54. The Long Sault Rapids. .[30KB]
  55. Victoria Bridge. .[9KB]
  56. Bonsecours Market. .[9KB]
  57. The Gray Nuns. .[32KB]
  58. The First Serious Dispute. .[24KB]
  59. Repenting. .[26KB]
  60. A Slender Young Priest appeared. .[16KB]
  61. Shopping in Montreal. .[25KB]
  62. The Nelson Monument. .[5KB]
  63. An Old Street. .[18KB]
  64. The Lower Town. .[8KB]
  65. The Wolfe Monument. .[3KB]
  66. Giving the Rose. .[30KB]
  67. The Lively Company. .[15KB]
  68. A Quaint Street. .[16KB]
  69. Near Durham Terrace. .[5KB]
  70. An Old Gateway. .[5KB]
  71. The Village Street. .[9KB]
  72. Montmorenci. .[42KB]
  73. On Durham Terrace. .[6KB]
  74. The Mermaid. .[40KB]
  75. A Question of Duty. .[29KB]
  76. The Grecian Portico. .[12KB]
  77. Nearing Home. .[13KB]
  78. Home Again. .[37KB]
  79. Beginning the Second Journey. .[28KB]
  80. The Same Clerk. .[6KB]
  81. The Parapet. .[7KB]
  82. Cutting his Initials. .[26KB]
  83. Out of Season. .[16KB]
  84. "Where are the brides?". . [23KB]
  85. Tail-piece. .[13KB]

A Note to the Text

As copytext for this online edition of The Wedding Journey, we use the 1916 Riverside edition by Houghton Mifflin Company, as seen on the title page above. We have not modernized spelling or punctuation, but in some cases we have eliminated accents in foreign words for ease of display on all browsers. We have rendered the printer's em dash with two hyphens or minus signs, without surrounding spaces. Contractions such as "don't" are frequently set in the print book with a slight space before the "n", but we have eliminated that in the online version here.

Illustrations are inline interlaced GIF or JPEG files. They may also be retrieved by selection from the table of illustrations above, which lists file sizes so you can estimate how long it will take to download to your computer. In most cases they are near original size, but a few are slightly larger online in order to improve resolution. The text order of two pictures was altered to put them closer to the passages they depict. Instead of supplying full text descriptions for the many pictures, our usual practice here, we have given short ALT text captions for readers not displaying the graphic images, identical to that in the list of illustrations or visible at the bottom of the illustrations.

A scholarly edition (without illustrations) of Their Wedding Journey is available from Indiana University Press, edited by John K. Reeves, 1968, as part of the Howells Edition of the complete Howells works (LCC 68-14604, PS2025.T6, 1968). This text is approved by the Modern Language Association's Center for Editions of American Authors for teaching purposes. But since this edition is copyrighted 1968, we could not use it for this online publication.

Comparison of this online text with the Howells Edition text reveals few significant differences. Reeves chose to use as copytext the original Atlantic Monthly serial pieces from July to December of 1871, with the final chapter from the May, 1883, Atlantic Monthly. No manuscript exists for the last chapter, and holographic manuscripts of the earlier sections were clearly provisional. Reeves has taken the liberty to change the spelling of a number of words so as more closely to follow Howells's usual practices instead of the Atlantic's house style, as for example "Oh" to "O," or "mustache" to "moustache," and "traveler" to "traveller" in all cases. We have not felt it necessary to go that far in altering the text and so you will see it spelled as in our print copytext. We have followed the Howells Edition restoration of the dash, instead of the comma dash, in the quotation from a Howells poem in chapter one. Some other of the Howells edition suggested restorations have been accepted silently here.

Reeves gives a good introduction to the book and its printing history. In summary, Their Wedding Journey, Howells's first published "novel," was based in part on a real trip Howells took with his wife in the summer of 1870. (Howells also used some newspaper articles he had written in 1860, and notes of experiences on a trip from Ohio to New England that year, which in 1900 were published as Literary Friends and Acquaintance.) Howells also visited Niagara with his father in 1871.

The first edition in book form was printed by James R. Osgood and Company on December 19, 1871. It included illustrations by Augustus Hoppin. Howells suggested printing it in a white jacket so it would be sold as a bridal gift, a suggestion that was followed by Houghton Mifflin when they came out with a new edition with new plates and new illustrations by Clifford Carleton in 1895 and reprinted until 1916 (our copytext). The success of the book over the years encouraged Howells on his path to crafting great novels of American life.

Basil and Isabel March reappear in a few of Howells's later works. A Chance Acquaintance of 1872 gives the account of Kitty Ellison's engagement difficulties alluded to in the final chapter of this book. The Shadow of a Dream of 1890 also uses them as characters.


A separate page gives some critical reaction to Their Wedding Journey.

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