What is Required from the Participants?

Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary and participants will be able to withdraw from the process at any time. All data collected will be kept completely confidential and no results will be reported in any manner that would associate any participants with their answers. In fact is only the participants' UserID, nickname, password and answers will reside on the server. The database that relates UserID with the participants' personal details including email will be stored offline in a locked cabinet at RMIT University to satisfy the Ethics requirement. Therefore, even if the server is cracked by an intruder, he or she will not able to obtain your personal details.

Participants are recommended to use a Netscape browser version 4.0 or above or an Internet Explorer version 4.0 or above to participate in the survey. Please have the cookies function on the browser turned on.

Related Topics

Bullet What is a Delphi Survey?
Bullet Who is invited to participate in the Survey?
Bullet Detail Procedure of Delphi Survey
Bullet What Results do we expect?
Bullet Guideline for Participants

Bullet Join the Survey

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Last Update: 5 Jun. 2001