Your True Self :)

Thank you for trying out this application.

"Your True Self" is a simple recommender system that utilizes the principle of Homophily. Homophily theorizes that humans like to associate with people with which they share interests, tastes and preferences.

This recommender simply looks at the profiles of your friends, and makes novel (i.e. stuff you haven't already listed) recommendations based on their tastes and preferences. To learn more about homophily, you can read its Wikipedia entry, this blog post or this academic paper.

"Your True Self" was created by Fred Stutzman

3/4/2007. Version 0.02. Changelog:
Added Favorite Movies, TV, Books, Bands
Dropped "Apathetic/Other" in favor of "Other" (in political views)
Testing Amazon lookups Looks very, very broken on IE7

3/1/2007. Version 0.01. Changelog:
Hello world

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