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4. Installing and Configuring Wine

4.1 Installing Wine

Installing is described in the Wine HOWTO.

4.2 Configuring Wine

Please note that this setup doesn't rely on any existing Windows files. Everything is created under Linux.

You can find my configuration file in the examples section, at the end of this document.

4.3 Directory structure

Your Wine root directory can be placed almost anywhere, but for the sake of simplicity, this document will refer to a single directory. This will be called "/wine". This could even be a symbolic link to the true location. If you prefer, you can replace any reference in this document to "/wine" with the true path to the root of your Wine directory.

A few directories must be created.

   mkdir -p /wine/windows/system
   mkdir -p /wine/windows/system32
   mkdir -p /wine/temp

The resemblance to the MS Windows directory heirarchy is intentional.

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