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5. Installing Ameol under Wine

5.1 Choosing Ameol versions

I've been able to install and run both the 16bit and 32bit versions of Ameol. (Not both at the same time, of course!)

So the next step is to decide which version to download and use. Download either a214_16.exe or a252_32.exe, store in "/wine/temp". For convenience, this document will assume that you're using a214_16.exe. I expect this version to be more likely to work with Wine, but that'll depend on the version of Wine that you use.

Downloaded messages are stored in a database and whilst this is compatible between 16-bit and 32-bit variants, in most versions it's probably a good idea to verify this if you intend to run both variants on the same messagebase.

5.2 Installing Ameol

Apart from one important warning (see below), installing Ameol is pretty standard.

The installer must be run from a directory that Wine can see, so make sure that the "/wine/temp" directory is included in the path, in the configuration.

    cd /wine/temp
    wine ./a214_16.exe &


When the Ameol installer asks you to install the verdana font, just say no. This is the most critical part of the install, and if you answer this question incorrectly the install will fail.

This isn't a problem when the installer runs under MS Windows, but it is a problem when using Wine. See the Risks section.

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