Set or get a mode on a visual


ggiSetMode, ggiGetMode : Set or get a mode on a visual


#include <ggi/ggi.h>

int ggiSetMode(ggi_visual_t visual, ggi_mode *tm);

int ggiGetMode(ggi_visual_t visual, ggi_mode *tm);


ggiSetMode sets any mode (text or graphics). It also performs mode negotiation like ggiCheckMode(3), but if any non-GGI_AUTO/GT_AUTO parameters are changed from the original mode, the new mode will not be silently set.

ggiGetMode fills out the passed ggi_mode(3) with the parameters of the current mode of the visual.

Return value

ggiSetMode returns 0 if the mode is set successfully, otherwise an ggi-error(3) code.


Do not set a mode before checking it. You may be able to set up a certain mode on one target, but not other targets.

See the example in ggiCheckMode(3).


Note that the ggiSetTextMode(3), ggiSetGraphMode(3) and ggiSetSimpleMode(3) functions are deprecated. Use ggiCheckMode(3) and similar functions, and then use ggiSetMode(3) on the resulting adjusted ggi_mode(3), once you have checked it yourself.

See Also