Display using IPC


display-ipc : Display using IPC


display-ipc: [-input] [-physz=<sizex>,<sizey>[dpi]]
             -semid=<semid> -shmid=<shmid> -socket=<socket>


Uses a shared memory segment for inter-process communication. Expects the client to specify the socket, semid and shmid options.



If the '-input' option is set, an input buffer of INPBUFSIZE (default are 8192 bytes) as #define'd in ggi/display/ipc.h is allocated at the start of the requested memory area. libgii's input-memory(7) is internally used for the real input handling.

When running on shared memory, this option enables you to give input (using giiEventSend(3)) to other processes sharing that segment. This technique is demonstrated in cube3d(1) and can be used for things like GGI multiplexers.


This option will provide a physical screen size for applications which wish to remain resolution independent. sizex, sizey are the x,y size of the screen in millimeters, unless the optional 'dpi' string is affixed, in which case, they represent resolution in dots-per-inch.


Specify the path to the socket.


Specify the sem id. Seem to be not used anywhere


Specify the shared memory identifier to use.

On win32, sid is the HANDLE returned by a call to 'CreateFileMapping' in decimal form.


  • DirectBuffer support always available.
  • Unaccelerated.