Input from buffer in main memory


input-memory : Input from buffer in main memory


input-memory: [-size=<bufsize>]
              shmid:<sid> | keyfile:<size>:<id>:<fname> | pointer


Uses an input buffer of INPBUFSIZE (default is 8192 bytes) at the start of the specified memory area.

input-memory is used by libggi's display-memory(7) and display-ipc(7). It is also usable as standalone input-target.



use existing shared memory ID sid

On win32, sid is the HANDLE returned by a call to 'CreateFileMapping' in decimal form.


create a new shm segment with id 'ftok(fname,id)' of size size (prefered method !). See ftok(3).

On win32, the newly created shared memory mapping has the object name: 'ggi-input-memory-shm:<fname>:<ascid>', where all backslashes have been converted to forward slashes in fname and ascid is the ascii value of id in decimal form. If this object does already exist (and is a file mapping) it will be used, so two apps can share memory by using the same 'keyfile' arguments on win32.


use the memory pointed to by argptr (only available to applications calling giiOpen(3)).


specifies the size of the (shared) memory. If this option is not given, then The default size of 8192 bytes are used. Minimum size are 300 bytes to be functional.


Be sure the specified memory area is larger or equal the given size as no checks can or will be made that a certain event fits into it.