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Re: Rural and Farm Recycling Questionairre
In article <01bc5994$47f67fa0$0100007f@www-doc.agrar.ad>,
Alfons Deitermann <ad@agrar.de> wrote:
>But: Why not think and investigate how to improve our habits? We all must
One good way to think and investigate how to improve our habits
is by letting our young people do their own homework. There are
lots of places on the web to get information on how farmers recycle
Writing to newsgroups is, at best, a lazy way to do it, and can
actually be detrimental if the child is given bad information by
someone who is trying to be mean, or is simply uninformed.
Shannah Miller shannah@nojunk.rahul.net
- Re: Rural and Farm Recycling Questionairre
- From: unc-cs!news-relay.ncren.net!gatech!csulb.edu!hammer.uoregon.edu!su-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!cpk-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!news.bbnplanet.com!news-peer.sprintlink.net!news.sprintlink.net!Sprint!uunet!in3 (A Steamer Andy)
- Re: Rural and Farm Recycling Questionairre
- From: unc-cs!news-relay.ncren.net!gatech!csulb.edu!hammer.uoregon.edu!ais.net!news.maxwell.syr.edu!howland.erols.net!news.nacamar.de!not-for-mail@fddinewz.oit.unc.edu